"Quick Crete" or something like that...sand


New member
Hi, I called home depot and they said they have something called "quickcrete sand. they said it is a white sand and thats what they have. they said they did not have south down sand. i want to do a DSB.

what is quick crete? any experience? thanks
Southdown is no longer mined so no longer available from what I understand
Silica sand is no problem using it in the tank Just rinse it good if your gonna use it, a lot of Silica dust in those bags, don't breath the dust as well not good for you at all
its not quite as white as the sand you see in the LFS, buts it sugar size and it will work. I just bought like 200LBS. of the stuff for like $15, it better not turn into concrete, when I put water in the tank. I hope you are right Dubbin 1. :)
i used it, i hate it, its too yellow looking, and it made my sandbed making hydrogen sulfate bubbles. and it is so fine that snails cant get algae off of it so it looks horrible. i spent all last weekend re-doing my tank/ taking out the sand.
ehh, no snails can get around fine sand anyways, one of the reasons I dont do snails much in my tanks, they get stuck upside down or in the sand and they die.
I used quikcrete medium grade commercial sand (brown bag with green writting). The MSDS stated that it was 99.9% silica sand...no feldspar (which is the contaminating component that will cause diatoms).

Works just fine.....not quite as white as southdown, but pretty white!
i am using the same sand you are talking about and i like it... you can check out my thread in this forum called 75g Tank Journal - STE6168 to see pics of it