oneradtek202 Pitcher Hill Reef Society Oct 6, 2010 #4 yup thats what i use lol , thanx for the compliments, if i spent some more time probably could have gotten some better shots!
yup thats what i use lol , thanx for the compliments, if i spent some more time probably could have gotten some better shots!
Z Zebodog New member Oct 6, 2010 #5 oneradtek202 said: yup thats what i use lol , thanx for the compliments, if i spent some more time probably could have gotten some better shots! Click to expand... How do you like the 100mm? I'm trying to make up my mind between the 60mm and the 100.
oneradtek202 said: yup thats what i use lol , thanx for the compliments, if i spent some more time probably could have gotten some better shots! Click to expand... How do you like the 100mm? I'm trying to make up my mind between the 60mm and the 100.
oneradtek202 Pitcher Hill Reef Society Oct 6, 2010 #6 the 100 is nice because u can still get macro shots further into ur tank, and you dont have to be on the glass of you tank
the 100 is nice because u can still get macro shots further into ur tank, and you dont have to be on the glass of you tank
US Marine Coral New member Oct 6, 2010 #8 Great shots. I need to get a macro lens. How much was the 100?
oneradtek202 Pitcher Hill Reef Society Oct 8, 2010 #10 Ha far from perfect but thanx, if they were perfect id increase my aperature to over 10 to get more in focus for the crab and coral atleast
Ha far from perfect but thanx, if they were perfect id increase my aperature to over 10 to get more in focus for the crab and coral atleast
RVANANO SWAGON Oct 8, 2010 #11 100mm will be one of my next purchases along with a 10-20. What kind of wrasse is that? Beautiful!!