Quick Poll. How much are you skimming?


New member
Hey guys juat wondering how much are some of you guys pulling out of your sps reefs. I know bioload and skimmer will play a big part, but just curious since my skimmate varies so much. Right now it takes about 7 to 10 days to fill up the cup., with dark coffee color skimm.
System info
62g with 20 sump
AF probio system
Coral Box d500 skimmer at 8 1/2 of water dc pump set at max.
1 Medium Hippo tang
1 Yellow tang
1 Six line
2 percula clowns
1 Mandarin
1 Chromis

Anyways so how much are you pulling out, and pics if possible
About 6 cups per day. I just love this skimmer. I do feed a lot several times a day with lots of fish. So, YMMV.

MTC MVX 36" with quick change head. Powered by a waveline dc 12000. Plus a swabbie neck cleaner.


Thick dense dry sticky foam

Just cleaned out

1 day in

About a week later can't see a dang thing. Good thing I drain to a 5 gallon bucket.

Shows how thick and sticky that foam is. Pulled from the skimmer, brought up from a basement, walked outside, and tipped upside down on a table. That foam is what I call Dairy Queen upside down blizzard thick.

What do you mean? Its tiny



There is a 26" one too and he can custom chop it to any size smaller or bigger. I'd love to get his monster dual venturi model that's like 48" to 72" tall or custom to any size really.
I have about 400 gallons and around 70 fish. I use 50ml of vodka and 50ml of vinegar daily to help keep nitrates and phosphates down. It also helps keep my skimmers running well. They never shut down except for when I feed pe mysis.
I use a custom external 4' euro reef with two of the large ehiem needlewheels and a 1.5" mazzei injector all recirculating.
I also use a bubbleking 300 (i think) in my sump and I run the down a drain so I am not sure how much it skims but my external euroreef skims about 5 gallons every week.
Some people say you can over skim but I don't believe it is a worry on a healthy tank, especially if you have a good amount of fish and feed well.



This is just wiping the neck and cup out from just over a week of skimming on the 4' external.

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