Quick Tank Picture


Active member
The colors are alot deeper and nicer in person but i dont have a great camera so here it is evolving a bit without any photo editing. Once again anyone who wants to trade some frags/Small colonies please let me know. My corals are really growing well, and coloring is awesome with my LED's.


Some really long PE

Thanks Joe , it's coming along. I'm not sure who I got that coral from but it's now a large colony, I really love how it looks with the amount of flow in my tank always blowing it around in all different directions. If you don't have one similar I'll get a frag going for you if interested
Looks great!

Is that really a 300g? I'm trying to visually compare it to my 240g...that must super deep..what are the dimensions?

Thanks for the compliment, ill get some better close ups of the corals.


The dimensions are 72x31x31. It is a deep tank, i really love it but hate how i set my rock up in it. I actually scaped it so that i have just as much room in the back as in the front, much like a peninsula two sided viewing tank, so that i can also grow corals in the back as well. Basically a hidden frag tank within a tank. none of the rock touches any of the glass
Thanks Sanjay,

The clowns are actually getting very big and fat which im happy about..Hopefully they will start cleaning some rocks soon!!


Unfortunatly i cant make it to the swap. I have to attend my 9th wedding this summer!! Im pretty bummed