quiet one vs mag


need pros and cons of the quiet one 3000 vs mag 7...will be using as submersable return pump in a aga 75 gallon with 1"drain...
IMO they are about equal. The QO uses less power. Both start out quiet and get noisier with age. If I had to pick I would go with the QO. The Rio HF12 is in the same league as well IMO. I am using one on my skimmer and like it better than my Mag 7.
Do a search and you will see lots of posts on both makes. I have a Mag 9.5 and based on what I read here, it is hit or miss getting a quiet motor. Personally, I think MINE 9.5 is kind of loud (the hum from the motor). However, I also read on here that the quiet one pumps do not always restart after being powere off. That could pose a problem. Other than that, its probably just personal preference. If you dont mind spending the extra money, the eheim sump pumps are pretty nice and I hear they are quiet as well! I believe I will try that when/if my mag 9.5 dies.
I just got a quiet one 3000 a few weeks ago, and I am very pleased with it. It runs very quiet and I havent noticed an increase in temperature. It is definately putting out close to 600gph with about 4 ft. of head pressure. All that being said, I will have to give it some time, and see how reliable it is.
I've used both pumps. I was disappointed with the noise from my Quiet One and my Mag 7 is about equally loud. I don't have any cooling fans and I've modified my overflow to be very quiet, so there is nothing to drown out the noise of the pumps.

The Quiet One uses less electricity, but it has a cheaper feel to it and I have experienced the failure to restart after a power interuption. For both pumps, larger diameter plumbing between the pump and outlet is key to maximizing flow, I think 1.25" is recommended.
quiet one runs better IMO. I switched to a mag and had a 2 degree temp spike. Down side of quiet one pumps is if you ever need to replace the impeller you have to buy a whole new pump. I have been trying for 4 months to contact the manufactor and they wont even reply.
i had a power outage, and when the water flowed back thru the pump the cover came off. it wasnt on very well and when the power came on the cover was sucked up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6523559#post6523559 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by j_beau_13
and the eheim is a little out of my price range...workin on a 18 years olds budget:rolleye1:
But when you are 28, it will still be working! :)
Until then, you will have
A pump that is quieter than either the Mag or QO
Flows more than either
Always starts (reliable)
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Didn't really price them that much. I buy most everything from Premium Aquatics. It was $120. Yeah twice the price of a Mag7, but I think it was worth it. Its a different class of product like Tunze and Deltec. Dont let me discourage you from the Mag. I do like them as well. Just too loud for me. A nice feature of the Mag3/5/7 is by swapping pump covers and impellers, you can turn one into another.
I had a Mag Drive 9.5 that I thought quit working on my skimmer, (it turned out a hose came off!) and I got a Quiet One 4000. I saw that the hose was unhooked, but I thought it might be a good pump since the mag drive was 6-7 years old at least. When I hooked it(Quiet One 4000) up it would not pump, just made a lot of noise, I unplugged and plugged in about 5 times until it started pumping. It still made a lot of noise! When we have had power outages, I noticed the pump wouldnt be on, and I would plug and unplug until it starts. I noticed my reef clubs forum talking about how they (Quiet Ones) do this for them too. They are noisy. More than an old Mag Drive. I would never get another Quiet One. Some day I'll hook up the old Mag Drive again. Steve.
I copied this from another post I made about the Quiet One 4000:versus Mag 7

I've used both those - just chaged out the pump and kept the plumbing the same. Quiet One was more noisy for the first 5 days, so I took it out and put the Mag 7 back in. Less noise. Same flow between the both of them (to the eye and hand). Used 1" ID tubing on both, through a SQWD. Can't say anything about the heat of the Quiet One though, I didn't pay attention.


It could also be that the Mag does better with backpressure of the SQWD??? I know I was supposed to get more flow with the QO, but I didn't.......at least not to the hand/eye test. I know that the QO has a larger diameter output, so it is possible the 1" tubing was choking it off a bit.
I just bought a QO 4000 (haven't got it in the mail yet) to replace my Mag 5, I wanted to increase flow. The Mag is starting to not come back on when the power goes off. I was going to use the Mag 5 for a skimmer, should I leave it and use the QO for the skimmer?