Quieting Down a New 6105


Premium Member
I just purchased a new 6105 from an authorized dealer in Canada to add to my existing 6100's. The magnet system for the new Streams is a great improvement, however, the noise from the unit itself is far beyond what is tolerable. I have looked at the obvious things like making sure the rubber bumpers are on both the dry and wet side of the mount. I checked to see that the drive was sitting correctly in the motor block and the propeller is free of nicks and chips. I also removed the Stream from the mounting bracket and let it dangle in the water column unattached and it still made the same level of noise. The last thing I tried was to turn down the speed of the pump using the white dial on the attached power cord coming off the motor block. The noise was reduced in total volume, but, the vibration still existed and is noticeable from across the room. The noise is best described as a loud hum or vibration.

Any tips or tricks. I hate to return it as I live on the east coast and the retailer is on the west coast and it takes a week or more to get anything.
Tunze have developed a new holder called 6065.600 with silicone gormets. I have not tried it, but I have been told that it works great.
However, the pump is supposed to quitet dow after 1-2 weeks of operation.

If the pump is quiet when held in your hand, the silence magnet holder may be an option, especially if the glass is less than 1/2" thick as the high pressure of the magnets compresses the pads and transmits more vibration. If it is noisy or vibrates alot when held in your hand, we have a new drive unit that has just started shipping with the pumps that has shaft that is .01 mm thicker and a magnet that is longer and thinner and slotted bottom disk. As Vidar said though the pumps do quiet down substantially after a couple weeks of running.
If the pump is quiet when held in your hand, the silence magnet holder may be an option, especially if the glass is less than 1/2" thick as the high pressure of the magnets compresses the pads and transmits more vibration. If it is noisy or vibrates alot when held in your hand, we have a new drive unit that has just started shipping with the pumps that has shaft that is .01 mm thicker and a magnet that is longer and thinner and slotted bottom disk. As Vidar said though the pumps do quiet down substantially after a couple weeks of running.

Yes I did hold it in my hand and it is the same. I will contact the Canadian distributor and the retailer. Is there a way of knowing, such as a number on the box or something that will indicate if this one has the newer shaft? If not, do you have a part number I can request?

Thanks again for assisting with a non US issue.
There is no way of knowing by the packaging. The shaft difference is so nominal that it is virtually impossible to determine without a micrometer. The drive units however look distinctly different side to side. The Canadian distributor emailed me and we discussed it, he needs to request the new drive units from Germany and he can get them to you. This change just came in the last couple weeks.
Tunze have developed a new holder called 6065.600 with silicone gormets. I have not tried it, but I have been told that it works great.
However, the pump is supposed to quitet dow after 1-2 weeks of operation.


Hmmmm can't find 6065.600 on tunze.com homepage:confused: are you sure it's the right number??
It is new and the website is not updated yet with all the new items,but it will be soon.