qustion about jebo

Don't do it. I have a jebo light and they are built very poorly and I still wonder how accurate their color temp of their bulbs are.
Stay away from anything odyssea...I have had one of thier PC fixtures...I would descibe it like my brother -in- law, Obnoxiously LOUD and FLAKEY..
I recently had a Odyssea MH fixture catch fire on me. Luckily I was home to catch it before it did any damage. You defenitly get what you pay for with Odyssea. I replaced my Odyssea with a CurrentUSA Nova Extreme 48" 8x54w and am very happy with it. I got it for $399 from Petsolutions.
I can't believe that company hasn't been shut down by the government. It's a class-action lawsuit waiting to happen. Forget about the performance and cheap construction, it's a safety hazard.
They offer no warranty, too. I think that since they are a Chinese company they aren't liable in the US.
I have a 48" Jebo 4 X 55 watt pc fixture. Very well built, as good or better than coralife, I had to replace the coralife ballast, wiring and bulb because it caught on fire.

My 2 Jebo's were used for 2 years with no problems whatsoever and I only just finished packing them away because I switched to a custom made hood with 400 watt MH and 4 65 watt pc's plus current 28 watt moonlight and 4 led's for night lights.

I purchased the odyessea bulbs for this unit but do wish I had purchased the jebo bulbs.

In my opinion Jebo bulbs are the best on the market for holding color and being a nice color to begin with. Mine held their color for 18 months before I needed to change them, I replaced them with bulbs from lfs. Never ever again, they lost their color in less than a week and were completely yellow at 3 months, with no noticeable light out put at 6 months. I was so glad to get my new hood finished.

Just my experience.

But I won't be selling my Jebo units I am saving them for my next 48" tank.
Jebo changed their name to odyssea because of all the bad press they were getting.

MCOX33 must have stock in Jebo/Odyssea. Jebo bulbs are the best on the market? LMAO.
I am sorry you feel that way, I do not have stock in the company and do not know anyone who does.

I just have not had a good experience with any of the other bulbs I have tried and my coralife unit is the one that caught on fire not my Jebo.

So sorry if you don't like them. I think any product customer service can depend on the retail outlet it was bought from.

I always buy my stuff from aquadeal on ebay and have never had a problem with anything.

I have lights. skimmers. and uv sterilizers all of which are Jebo.
I had to return the coralife uv sterilizer because it leaked into the bulb compartment of the unit. (as did most of the others that our lfs sold) They ended up switching them out for tetra brand.)