R.A.P. Orlando. YourReef.com looking for help


New member
YourReef.com is looking for a couple of assistants to work with us at our booth at Reef-A-Palooza Orlando on May 5th, 6th and 7th.

Working with us for a few hours each day will include entry to the show, vendor only entrance on Friday as well as compensation based on hours and days worked.

For more information please email us at sales@yourreef.com.

Thank you,

John Dakan
Sorry, was getting ready to post more details when I got pulled away from my desk. :-)

OK.....so here is what we are hoping for.

Friday we should be arriving at RAP sometime between 12 and 1. We would love to find help setting up our booth and especially un-boxing and un-baging all the corals we are bringing. Normally we bring our corals pre positioned on racks. However for the long trip out from Ca we decided to bag each one separate. Not very time efficient but much safer for the coral. This should only take a few hours then your free to check things out.

Saturday's are usually crazy. We will really need help for the morning rush as well as off and on throughout the busiest parts of the day....hopefully the whole day is busy:-). We would like to have a couple assistants helping out so we can all trade off and take time away from the booth to check out the show. All people working the booth should be able to answer basic coral questions and coral ID.

Sunday should be more of the same but a bit more calm. We would still like to have help most of the day just in case. Again, anyone helping should have plenty of time away from the booth to check out the show.

Sunday night at 6 when the show closes we would like to have help for a couple hours tearing down the both and bagging/boxing any remaining corals for the flight home. We should be done by 8Pm.

If you would to help out half a day, whole day or whatever we are open to options. We would really appreciate the help and will be sure to make it worth your time.

Thank you,

John Dakan