"Rainbow Hornet" (no picture)


New member
They had one yesterday at the frag swap. I've never seen or heard of this before, but it had a reddish skirt with a bluish/purple center. (with a ring) Yes, No?

did it look like this?
Yeah, that's it. They were going for $20 for one polyp. I wanted one bad, but being that I haven't really had the best of luck with Hornets I decided to pass. It was also under a Kessil A360 and I wasn't sure if I would see that same color under my 20K Hamilton bulb and two T5 actinics.

Thanks for the picture btw. :)
I guess I wasn't paying that much attention, but the picture that jraker posted above sure does look similar. Any idea what the one in the picture below is? Legendary Corals was the one who was selling these so called "Rainbow Hornets" at the swap meet.

I picked one of those up at the swap. It is def a rainbow hornet. They said it's pretty hardy and grows well for them. It was on my 'want' list for awhile.
i ran into a few polyps at a local frag swap in ohio and bought 2 single head frags they look really good under the led's but i don't know how they would look under the t5s