Random Equipment for Free but must take all


Wow. It's been over a year since I posted on RC. Took down my tank about 6 months ago (long story short, I just got bored and wasn't really into it anymore).

Been in the hobby for 12 years and decided to just get rid of everything that I have just accumulated in my garage to make room for a garage remodel.

Most of the equipment that I had for my 140g tank I have given to my brother, so the equipment is really from all of my nano tanks and previous tank builds. Some of the stuff are the older items that I had upgraded away from but still kept around in my garage.

Here's the catch.
You have to take everything. You're taking about 6 or so 10g boxes worth of stuff. You'll need a truck or large vehicle to fit it all.
You are not allowed to pick and choose the items.
Some are dirty. Some may not work (it has been sitting in my garage for years after all). Some are brand new and never used. I don't care if you throw them away after you pick them up or even if you want to sell the stuff afterwards.
I don't care.
I just want it out of my garage!

Some items that I have:
1) A brand new bucket of I/O salt
2) Eheim canister filters
3) Random sized heaters
4) Really old Tunze skimmers
5) LOTS and LOTS of meanwell LED drivers and CREE LEDs
6) Metal Halide Ballasts
7) Random T5 light fixtures (for planted tanks)
8) Random compact fluorescent fixtures (for 5-20g tanks)
9) Random pumps
10) Random 5-10g tanks
11) Large CO2 tank
12) About 50 pounds of really dirty formerly live rock
13) Brand new eShopps wet dry system
14) large new filter socks
15) Sea Swirl
16) Lots of random stuff

If you have enough time to clean the stuff and sort through it all, it's probably enough equipment to start about 3-4 small-medium tanks.

Prefer that someone pick this all up by 12/24. Preference would be given to people that I know on the forum or has been very active on the forum, but considering that I have not logged on in almost 2 years, I'm not sure if I even know anyone that is active anymore!

I live in the Eagle Rock area. PM if you're interested. Please minimize specific questions on what I have. It's really a lot for me to sort through and organize and the whole point of me giving it all away is that I don't want to sort through it and I just want to get rid of it all in 1 transaction.
