Random tank pics


Shark Obsessed
Some pics of my fish in my 480.....some were taken with the halides on, some just with actinic:





The Powder Blue has been in the tank about 2 hours now.....doing great and eating already!!!!


Thanks....the ray is a blast to own.....he's really curious, very active, and eats like a hog!!!!

I thought long and hard before adding a PBT....I love them but I've heard they're hard to keep....we'll see.
Thanks....here's a few more:

Almost done with the stand.....waiting on my hinges for the doors:


Eel was added a couple of hours ago.....a jeweled moray:







I agree.....but, it's a new tank, been up a couple of months.....I've concentrated more on adding fish......I'm going to start adding corals now....I have a green brain, nice frogspawn, and today I added some yellow polyps and a couple of green mushrooms.....

Lack of financial resources is a problem though..... :)
I just looked at your site, I usually look at everyone's when I'm reading threads...your webcam setup is totally awesome. Can you explain how you do the cams and what software? That is so neat to be abe to control the camera like that. What if someone else is trying to move it at the same time? I saw your dog sleeping! :>)

Thanks!!! I have 2 cams on the fish tank, one on each end. I also have one on my dogs and one on my Bearded Dragon at work.

The cams are all D-Link DCS-5300......they have built-in web servers in them.....the 2 fishcams go thru a Linksys router that is located at the tank.....the router is connected at the wall jack. I ran Ethernet from the jack, thru the attic, and down to my main router (also a Linksys). The Lighthouse controller (where you can view the tank stats) is ran on another line to the fishroom jack and then to the main router.....my dogcam is located in a place where I couldn't run Ethernet, so the cam plugs into a wireless bridge which in turn communicates to the main router which is wireless also. My lizardcam is the same type of connection as my dogcam (cam to wireless bridge to wireless router) except it's at my office.

Since they have their own webservers, it's really a matter of separate LAN IP addresses that are port-forwarded out my router. The "software" is basic PHP embedded in my webpages.

If someone else is trying to move it at the same time, you get into a "tug of war" :)

Yeah, the dogs do alot of sleeping!!!! Lucky thangs

It's a Yellow Ray.....they are pretty common in the Caribbean, Florida, and up the east coast to about South Carolina

He gets a girlfriend tomorrow.....adding a female yellow ray about the same size....i haven't told him yet though :p

Here's a pic of him that I took yesterday:

Added a female ray today....she's HUGE....I was told she was 6" but she's about 10".......





All of a sudden, my 480gal looks really small. :rolleyes: