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Fish list-

How about everyone post their fish list? Just curious to see what people are keeping in terms of swimmers, and which you've had the longest? I'll go first-

Yellow Tang - First fish this go round, had for about five years, started in a 29 :eek1:

Maroon Clown
Convict Tang X 2
Naso Tang
Striped Squirrelfish
Coris Wrasse
PJ Cardinal
Checkered Goby
Black Mollie
For our finned friends we have:

Elibi Angelfish - our first fish... been in there for about 4 months.
Bicolor blenny
Yellow Wrasse
Percula Clown
Blue-green Chromis x 4

Soon to be added to the family:
Blue-green Chromis
Bangii Cardinal
Yellow Tang
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Maroon Clown
Dimond Goby

... so does anybody want some fish... cause we will probably need to find homes for all the new guys other than the chromis and the cardinal
Snowflake eel-newest member
Yellowtail Corris-first fish in tank 8? months ago

(RIP my fallen comrades!!!)

to be added
6? green chromis
yellow tang
Emo Nemo (black osc)
Nemo(maybe with one up idk)
PowderBlue Tang
(w/e other fish joe give me :))
Fish in the 75g

-Mated pair Percula Clownfish, (Amphiprion percula) 6 years (1y in my tank.
-Yellow Tang, (Zebrasoma flavescens) 1.6 years
-Royal Gramma, (Gramma loreto) 8 months
-Hippo Tang, (Paracanthurus hepatus) 1.6years
-Flame Angel, (Centropyge loricula) 6 months
Purple Tang (1 year)
Yellow Tang (1 year)
Hippo Tang (1 year)
Gold Stripe Maroon Clown (6 mos.)
Gold Strip Maroon Clown (24 hours) Already had a large female I assume at this point... added a nice small one hopefully will stay a male.
Firefish Goby (6 mos.)
Royal Gramma (6 mos.)
Dwarf Flame Angel (3 hours):D
Six Line Wrasse (9 mos.)

I can hear the tang police's siren already whaling :lol:

I'm just stocking in advance for my next tank upgrade...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11962179#post11962179 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by a1amap

In the 220g I want to have a school of yellow tangs.

Al, I highly reccomend the Convict Tangs, they eat that slimy red cyano, and any other nuisance algae you can think of!
yellow tang
naso tang
2 sebae mated clowns ( who are currently spawning every week)
1 true percula
1small sebae clown
yellow bellied damsel
royal dottyback?
lunare wrasse


Looking to upgrade tank in near future.
Yellow Tang
Tomato Clown
Percula Clown
Royal Gramma
3 Seargent major Damsels
Yellow tail damsel
Blue damsel

All have been in well over a year.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11963896#post11963896 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alemab3
they really eat red slime algae

I had some cyano issues in the 125 when I first got them, they had red lips for a week! The yellow and naso don't even look at that stuff.
1 big yellow tang
2 Ctenochaetus Striatus tangs
1 blue Hippo tang
2 ocelaris
1 Big Saddle back clown (babysitting Dave's old Don Vito)
1 spotted falco hawk fish (the shrimp eater)
1 fat yellow green damsel of some sort (the hand biter)
3 yellow clown Gobies
2 Green Clown Gobies
1 Orange Spotted Sand Sifting Goby
and a few cucmbers
Ken, are those bristletooth's? Are they both in the same tank? I've thought about adding a bristletooth, Kole, whatever. Just don't know how it would go over with the other occupants.
my tank 70 gallon rr
1 blue hippo
1 yellow tang
1 royal gramma
1 damsuel
1 flame angel
1 cb shrimp

soon to be added
1 painted wrasse
1 japanese fairy basslet
1 organge star
I dont know Joe. I have the pair of striated tangs in different tanks. but one is with the big yellow tang and they get along fine. the other is with the saddleback and 2 yellow gobies. no problem. very nice fish. not really sure what they are, this is the closest ID i could find based on picture.
I bought them at petco 2 years ago as a Misc. Tang. they were small, thin and very pale/transparent juveniles then with no color. but darkened up as they grew. now when they are happy and comfortable they are very dark. a nice color. almost black. definitely related to a kole tang. must be a subspecies or something. good algae eater.

they get many different types of tangs as MISC.? i bought one last week which seemed to be a chocolate tang, unusual, but it brought the ick home with it from their tank and died. I will try one again from another batch. or store. it started to look like this with the sky blue edge on its fins.

they sell odd juvenile tangs as misc. i just wish they get their ick under control. Mine had no signs when i brought it home, but 2 days later it was covered, just like the other fish in their tank. Im not good at medicating, so when i tried, it croaked. Probably didnt acclimate it well. I just quickly filled a 10 with half tank water and half new, added heater, biowheel and airstone and powerhead, but the clout seemed to be too much for it .
Any way i like oddball fish.
You must have bought the one in the pic. Even the pic has ick.
Anyone want a coral beauty angel? We got him with the 90 and decided to combine the tanks so he has to go soon...