Rarest rhodactis mushroom


New member
Have fell in love with mushrooms and just wondering what is the rarest rhodactis mushroom on the market? (will be good if have a ranking from 1-10) and any good online store to buy them?
I do not see a lot of these here. I lost all but two pieces when I went from BB to shallow sand.
^ those are beautiful whisperer!

You can also search St. Thomas mushrooms (Discosoma sanctithomae) they're not "rare" per se, and they're popping up here and there from different vendors but they aren't seen too often. I personally like them because they remind me of BTAs (kind of) without the large size and sting of an anemone :)
Really? We get them very often and at most times .. no one wants 'em ... seriously!!


i think because its either people know that pink yumas are most likely to melt if not acclimated properly plus they are really expensive...i lost 2,one is $200 and the other is $125...

heres one that i just got recently..so far its really doing good..the orange yuma is very common in my area,u can get one for $20 like dollar size

and the other 2 pink baby yumas are from blazer,i know it will live even if its in direct mh lighting...cause its propagated

heres st thomas red bubble shroom,not rare but not easy to find at least in my area


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My new Yuma

My new Yuma

I went to the LFS last week and picked up this beauty. I dont see that many around on the internet and if so they are $$$.red yuma.jpg