Premium Member
I currently have a 35 gal tank up and going for 7 1/2 years. I purchased a 30 gal cube 24x24x12 about 5 months ago. I bought a 35 lb piece of fully cured lived rock with the tank and started "cooking" it after I got it home. I finally set up the new tank about 4 weeks ago using the new liverock I purchased. 2 inch sand bed . I have a sump custom made by Barrett. The tank was drilled with overflow. I have LED lights over the tank. A Coralife super skimmer, titanium heater and return pump in the sump. A koralia powerhead on the tank. I have chaeo in the fuge portion of the sump as well as a piece of foam. I only have hermit crabs in the tank, which I put in a couple of weeks ago. I have not noticed an algae bloom. I checked my parameters this am. SG 1.025 Ph 8.4, ammonia 0 nitrites 0 and nitrates 0. Should I expect a bloom? It is safe for me to go ahead and move my 2 clown, my blue spotted watchman goby, peppermint shrimp, Carribean pistol shrimp and my corals over to the new tank? I went ahead and did a 5 gallon water change after checking the parameters, since I had not done one since the tank had been set up. I am anxious to get everything moved over so I can get rid of the old tank. Thanks for your help. This feeble old mind can not remember the process from when I sat up my initial tank 7 1/2 years ago. LOL