Reactors, Controllers and Dosers oh my!


New member
Researching the tank further that I'm about to own and I'm wondering about the addition of a few components on initial setup. I'd love to automate and make my tank as low maintenance as possible so looking into these additions.

I'm also wondering at whether it's best to invest in something a little more expensive up front as I'll be spending some start up $ anyway for some initial equipment.

Reactors - they don't seem to be a need to have but more of a nice to have. Any advice on number, brand, use and effectiveness? Is this a wait and see what my tank needs before deploying reactor equipment?

Controllers - Neptune's Apex controller caught my eye and I'm wondering if it's a good alternative to spending money on a full Hanna Pro test kit and instead just get some basic inexpensive but accurate manual testing kits. The Apex is clearly more expensive than the Hanna but if I'm not spending $250 on the test kit I'm offsetting the cost of the controller. Do I want to go down the road of this ecosystem of products?

Dosing pumps - pretty much decided already that I want some kind of dosing system. Hoping to get opinions (maybe ones that work with the Apex system?).

I've done the forum and inter web searches but would love some direct input.

If you go apex. You can add the dos dosing system and a trident to check your alk cal and mag. It's a hefty purchase but worth it if you plan on keeping sps

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Frankly, being old-school, I don't use reactors or controllers. I use cheaper things I already have to have: a refractometer (salinity; and the Salifert test kits for calcium, dkh alk, and magnesium, used once a week, and (in the startup for a tank) a log sheet, that shows me the consumption rate and evaporation rate. And if something has to be fixed, I have the dry chemicals (Kent) for calcium and dkh buffer; and liquid magnesium. I also have a 4 cylinder ro/di filter, a JBS topoff sensor, and delivery of makeup water (evaporation) is the one real automation I have. I can go on a 4-5 week vacation by putting a spare 32 gallon barrel of ro/di next to the first, and asked a friend to check it while feeding the cats, and move the hose from barrel 1 to barrel 2 when it showed 'out of water'. And I come home to find the reef in great shape, and new growth as Much cheaper, and by my lights, I've never seen reason to do more. As a reality check, a 100 gallon tank can evaporate 2 gallons a day.
If you go controller, I would go GHL it's better. I had Apex and switched. Ion Director + KH Director plus dosers will be $$$ though
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Pretty hard to answer your questions with out knowing what you plan to keep and more about your tank. Apex and Hanna test kits do completely different thing for the most part. The only over lap would be if you get the trident which needs the Apex to work. You may not need to dose anything depending on what you want to keep. An auto feeder and ATO are almost mandatory to have for when you on vacation. An reliable ATO is good all the time.