Rebirth - 1500l

And stay healthy. The news here says your country is getting hammered by Covid-19.

Things are getting uggly over here. People aren't taking it serious....
And our president "thinks" that covid is a "little flu"....:headwalls:
It'll be worst in some weeks or months.

I'm staying at home....Taking care of the tank....... Giving online teaches.... And trying to stay sane......
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Things are getting uggly over here. People aren't taking it serious....
And our president "thinks" that covid is a "little flu"....:headwalls:
It'll be worst in some weeks or months.

I'm staying at home....Taking care of the tank....... Giving online teaches.... And trying to stay sane......

My teaching is online too and will remain so beyond September.
Not sure what they plan for schools here (U.S.). Been lots of talk about possible strategies, including mixing tele-edu with shortened school week, but nothing definite yet. My daughter (15) is worried that her wrestling team might not be able to have a normal season which is most likely the case. We live in "interesting times."