Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Thanks. I tried to create open space yet still allow for caves, swim through areas, and hiding places. There's about 120-150lbs of rock in the display. Maybe another 20-30 lbs in the sump.
pH still hanging at just over 8.2... will keep watching. Pretty much all the soda lime that I could see this morning had changed color.
And back to hanging around 8.2. I'm going to hold off on changing it one more day. Tomorrow will be day 10. I suspect there's a bit left even after the color change much like DI except I don't care about a small bit extra of CO2 getting through like I would TDS and DI wanting it to be 0.

I got a PM2 module in with a conductivity probe. But looks like I have to get a temp probe for the PM2 module. It can't do the temperature compensation from the temp probe connected to the base unit. I will be looking out for a temp probe now.

I did get a replacement ORP probe from BRS replacing their defective one. It's been reading about normal since I plugged it in about an hour ago. Reading 400's right now.
Well the Apex base unit "the brain" seems to be bricked. It's not even powering up now. Apex support had me try a few things but it got worse. So now they want to do a remote session which isn't going to happen until I can find the time to do that next week.

For now I've switched everything back to the reefkeeper. On a positive note I got to test out the fallback functions of all the outlets and they all went to the states I expected and wanted them too. Which means the ATS got more light today then normal but I think I would rather that then not getting enough light. Already experienced that. It's back on that outlet that's kind of going out. I'll have to make sure to check its on before bed and in the morning.

The pH scrubber is still going a little bit. The basement pH is now reading 8.34 so assuming that's 8.14ish at the display. I'll change out the media tonight.

I took it out to see from the top and I could see a few small bits of white remaining. I think it's about as stretched out as its going to go with out drifting down pH back below 8.0

I think it's been hair over a week since I scrubbed the algae turf scrubber. I'll be getting in a new apex base unit tomorrow and I'll be playing around with that and I know I won't be able to do anything Wednesday night so I decided to pull out the screen tonight and do a quick scrape and scrub like last time.

It was definitely thicker this time and held a lot more water. I did notice the far side from the water input was much lighter in growth. I went ahead and bumped up the flow very slightly but it's still not fully opened up.

Just pulled front


Lights are on 12 hours over night. Blues are still diffused with scotch tape.

I also haven't changed anything else filtering wise. Skimmer still producing like a champ, 1% water change a day, vinegar dosing around 90ml/day. Etc.

I guess the one change I do was the CO2 scrubber a couple weeks ago. Brought display tank pH from around 7.8-7.9 to a solid 8.2+.
You can probably extend the light cycle at this point if you need to, or even increase the intensity. You have a nice mature screen.
Last night I got around to getting the Apex hooked back up and was able to get everything reprogrammed based on having it already documented here. I did have a .bin backup of the config... somewhere. It was just easier to copy paste out of my journal back into the apex web interface.

I've also got in another break out box (BoB) for the basement so I was able to move the rest of all the basement/sump equipment over to it. Skimmer, ATO, AWC, ATS, return, ozone, vinegar, heaters etc. Have all the equipment split up on different circuits as well.

Display GFCI circuit 1
AC/DC Adapter to Apex Base Unit to detect power outage or circuit/breaker trip
A UPS with the following plugged into it:
Wireless network adapter
1 EB8 and plugged into it is
-Blue LEDs (set to shutoff on power/circuit outage)
-Gyre (set to keep running on power/circuit outage)
-Apex base unit via Aquabus (set to email on DC adapter having no power along with all the EB8's and several other alerts setup as well)

Display GFCI circuit 2
1EB8 and plugged into it is
-White LEDs
-Auto Feeder
- Moon lights
- Display

Basement GFCI circuit 3 (this circuit trips I want all on it shutdown anyway)
1 EB8 and plugged into it is
-return pump
- ranco controller and two heaters
- skimmer
- carbon/vinegar dosing pump
- Ozone

Basement GFCI circuit 4
1 EB8 and plugged into it is
ATS Pump
ATO pump
AWC pump

I also have an Apex PM1 module in the basement with a pH probe near the Reefkeeper pH probe. The sump is definitely higher pH then the Display tank. The Apex is still reading slightly lower then the Reefkeeper.

Right now:
Apex Display pH shows 8.24
Apex Sump pH shows 8.36
Reefkeeper Sump pH shows 8.39

To determine if it's the skimmer increasing the pH down there over the display tank I could just not run the skimmer for a few hours. I would expect that both areas would drop but I would be curious if they would equalize closer to each other. I wouldn't expect them to be exactly the same but with in .1 possibly with in .05.
Since this helped out already going to log all the programming here:

Pulled from reeftronics

Apex Name: apex

Firmware: 4.34_4F15

Listing generated: 08/06/2015 16:15:06


DT_Sw1 (normally closed and checks for DT overflowing. Sitting in the back overflow)
SmpL_1 (Sump Low Water Switch: normally closed and set in the return section.)
SmpH_2 (Sump High Water Switch: normally closed and set in the skimmer section.)

DTTemp (Display Tank Temp probe set in the back overflow)
DT_pH (Display Tank pH probe set in the back overflow)
DT_ORP (Display Tank Orp probe set in the back overflow)

BMTemp (Basement Sump Temp probe set in the drain/skimmer section)
BM_pH (Basement Sump pH probe set in the drain/skimmer section)

Tmpx9 (Basement Sump Temp probe set in the drain/skimmer section used for conductivity auto temp compensation)
Condx9 (Basement Sump Conductivity probe set in the drain/skimmer section)

Virtual Outlets
[ vATOFail_A5 ] ( Cntl_A5 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Hourglass
Logging: Enabled
If Outlet vSumpLow_A6 = ON Then ON
Defer 180:00 Then ON

[ vSumpLow_A6 ] ( Cntl_A6 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Up/Down Arrows
Logging: Enabled
If SmpL_1 OPEN Then OFF
If SmpL_1 CLOSED Then ON
Defer 000:15 Then ON

[ vSumpHigh_A7 ] ( Cntl_A7 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Up/Down Arrows
Logging: Enabled
If SmpH_2 OPEN Then ON
Defer 000:01 Then ON

[ vfeed_A8 ] ( Cntl_A8 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Bell
Logging: Enabled
Fallback OFF
If Time 12:00 to 12:01 Then ON
If Time 15:00 to 15:01 Then ON
If Time 18:00 to 18:01 Then ON
If Time 21:00 to 21:01 Then ON
If FeedA 000 Then ON

[ EmailAlm_I5 ] ( base_email )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Email
Logging: Enabled
If Outlet vATOFail_A5 = ON Then ON
If DTTemp > 84.0 Then ON
If DTTemp < 73.0 Then ON
If BMTemp > 84.0 Then ON
If BMTemp < 73.0 Then ON
If Tmpx9 > 84.0 Then ON
If Tmpx9 < 73.0 Then ON
If DT_pH > 8.50 Then ON
If DT_pH < 7.90 Then ON
If BM_pH > 8.50 Then ON
If BM_pH < 7.90 Then ON
If Condx9 < 32.0 Then ON
If Condx9 > 36.0 Then ON
If DT_ORP < 200 Then ON
If DT_ORP > 400 Then ON
If Power Apex OFF 000 Then ON
If Power UPSEB8_3 OFF 000 Then ON
If Power BMEB8_6 OFF 000 Then ON
If Power SumpEB8_7 OFF 000 Then ON
If Power DTEB8_8 OFF 000 Then ON

Physical Outlets

[ Gyre_3_1 ] ( 3_1 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Left/Right Arrows
Logging: Enabled
Fallback ON
Set ON

[ LEDB_3_5 ] ( 3_5 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Light A
Logging: Enabled
Fallback ON
If Sun 180/240 Then ON
If DTTemp > 85.0 Then OFF
If Power Apex OFF 001 Then OFF

[ Lunar_5_1 ] ( 5_1 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Moon
Logging: Enabled
If Moon 180/240 Then ON
If Power Apex OFF 001 Then OFF

[ ATSPump_6_1 ] ( 6_1 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Spigot
Logging: Enabled
Fallback ON
Set ON

[ ATSLED_6_2 ] ( 6_2 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Sun
Logging: Enabled
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Time 11:30 to 23:30 Then OFF

[ ATO_6_4 ] ( 6_4 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Up/Down Arrows
Logging: Enabled
Fallback OFF
OSC 020:00/020:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet vSumpLow_A6 = ON Then ON
If Outlet vSumpLow_A6 = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet vSumpHigh_A7 = ON Then OFF
If Condx9 < 32.0 Then OFF
If DT_pH > 8.40 Then OFF
If BM_pH > 8.50 Then OFF

[ AWC_6_8 ] ( 6_8 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Hourglass
Logging: Enabled
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet vSumpHigh_A7 = ON Then OFF
If Outlet vSumpLow_A6 = ON Then OFF
If Condx9 < 31.0 Then OFF
Defer 021:00 Then OFF

[ return_7_1 ] ( 7_1 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Spigot
Logging: Enabled
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet vfeed_A8 = ON Then OFF
If Outlet vATOFail_A5 = ON Then OFF
Defer 030:00 Then ON

[ Ranco_7_2 ] ( 7_2 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Thermometer
Logging: Enabled
Fallback OFF
If DTTemp < RT+0.0 Then ON
If Tmpx9 > 83.0 Then OFF
If BMTemp > 83.0 Then OFF
If DTTemp > 83.0 Then OFF

[ Vinegar_7_4 ] ( 7_4 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Spigot
Logging: Enabled
Fallback OFF
OSC 051:41/008:19/000:00 Then ON
If Time 21:00 to 11:00 Then OFF
If DT_pH < 7.80 Then OFF
If BM_pH < 7.80 Then OFF

[ skimmer_7_5 ] ( 7_5 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Thumbs
Logging: Enabled
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet vSumpHigh_A7 = ON Then OFF
If Outlet return_7_1 = OFF Then OFF
Defer 002:00 Then ON

[ Ozone_7_8 ] ( 7_8 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Bars
Logging: Enabled
Fallback OFF
Set ON
If DT_ORP > 375 Then OFF
If Outlet skimmer_7_5 = OFF Then OFF

[ LEDW_8_5 ] ( 8_5 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Light B
Logging: Enabled
Fallback OFF
If Sun 240/180 Then ON
If DTTemp > 84.5 Then OFF

[ Feeder_10_1 ] ( 10_1 )
Program Type: Advanced
Display Icon: Bars
Logging: Enabled
Fallback OFF
If Outlet vfeed_A8 = ON Then ON
Defer 001:30 Then ON
Watchman goby seems to have paired up with some of the peppermint shrimp. I always see them hanging around together and just like the pistol shrimp the peppermints keep in contact with the goby. Didn't think any anything but a pistol shrimp would pair up like that.

nice tank!
Thanks. It's never going to be nor do I ever desire to try to have a tank of the month type tank. I'm not into sticks covering every color of the rainbow in pristine conditions. But it is what my family and I enjoy. I like watching the different stages of different cycles and periodically playing around or experimenting with something new.
Been about another week and got time tonight to pull and scrub the screen. It seemed heavier and wish I would have been weighing it now. I'm just happy its producing and growing well bow. Even the false bottom was growing and covered in algae.



The bottom

I did bump up the light intensity on the front half and left the back at the lower power setting for this week. I hope I did it right. There's a little diagram as well showing the proper jumper positions. I didn't touch the middle one for the blues and the scotch tape is still there for diffusion. Just the four others.

Little impromptu fully body and pump skimmer cleaning tonight. Pump was stuck. Pulled it out and a nice little astrea star jammed it up. +1 to twice daily at minimum checks.
Made a little change to my AFS feeding programming. I noticed with the little adjuster to determine how much food is dropped if I have it 3 notches in it drops a lot of food, which I want, but the amount of food it drops at once seems to force a lot of it to sink right away. I tried 2 notches in and it drops quite a bit less and more floats around with out the weight of all the pellets falling on top of each other.

So, I had to adjust the programming to rotate 3 times to get about the same amount of food that was dropped with a single drum rotation at 3 notches in. Probably what people were talking about when they complained it was hard to adjust giving to much or to little but increasing number of drum rotation solves that.

virtual outlet vfeed. Extended the on time to allow more drum rotations.
Fallback OFF
If Time 12:00 to 12:05 Then ON
If Time 15:00 to 15:05 Then ON
If Time 18:00 to 18:05 Then ON
If Time 21:00 to 21:05 Then ON
If FeedA 000 Then ON

The Feeder. Since the drum only rotates when power is initially applied I had to use the Oscillation syntax which I removed the defer command and put the 1 minute delay to start the OSC. (off 1m 30s, on 30s, repeat right away)
Fallback OFF
OSC 001:30/000:30/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet vfeed_A8 = OFF Then OFF
If FeedA 000 Then ON

That gives 2 minutes to complete one cycle and the time is on for 5 minutes giving 3 complete cycles = 3 drum rotations. First real test of it working will be at 12pm.

Skimmer and return programming are still the same. Set to go off when the vfeed virtual outlet is on and delay turning back on for 30 minutes for the return and 32 minutes for the skimmer.

Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet vfeed_A8 = ON Then OFF
If Outlet vATOFail_A5 = ON Then OFF
Defer 030:00 Then ON

Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet vSumpHigh_A7 = ON Then OFF
If Outlet return_7_1 = OFF Then OFF
Defer 002:00 Then ON
Well, one of the things I did lasts night was play around with the programming to get to where it is above which works. But in doing so I might have added a bit to much food. HA! :wildone:

I probably added at least a weeks worth of food if not more as at one time the rotations where pretty much non-stop and I was distracted with other stuff not realizing right away.

So, coming home tonight there's a bit of cyano on the sand bed. I'm not to worried and will let it cycle through as it has done so in the past. None on the rocks right now.

You can actually see it in the video stream which is just a cheap usb webcam mounted in the back corner of the canopy by where I have a laptop sitting.

You can see it here