Rebuilding Tank


New member
Well it has been a long time since I have last visited this forum.

After almost seven months of long waiting I am almost ready to put my tank back together. But I was wanting to know if someone can point me in the right direction. I lost pretty much everything in my tank except my A. Percula pair and the green Haddon carpet anemone from Katrina. Where are some good stores online that I may get some rocks to reseed my old rocks with, some good LIVE sand to seed a DSB, and get the various other critters I am going to need.

I need to get this tank cycling as quickly as I can after getting the second overflow placed into it. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
There is a product called "Cycle" which you can use to inoculate your freshly made seawater and give the nitrogen cycle a kick start. As you have probably observed from past tanks, there are other cycles that occur as a tank is breaking in and these cannot be rushed; you just have to wait it out, though water changes during this phase must still be done so that the minor blooms of nitrifying bacteria, cyanobacteria, diatoms and various algaes do not spiral out of control. I'd strongly recommended that you pick up a copy of Delbeek and Sprung's "The Reef Aquarium". They describe in lengthy detail how to bring up a healthy tank.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for the info OnTheReef. The main thing I am looking for is if there is a good place I can go to kick start the rocks and sand for the tank. I am aware of the other cycles of the tank that happen during the newly setup tank but it has been awhile since getting this started that I have forgotten the places I used to shop at online.

The place I used to get my liverock from harvests from a federal lease in the Gulf and that has been messed up from Katrina also.

So please if you can tell me a good place to get all this without costing a large amount of money I would appreciate it.