Recent photos of my 125 gallons reef

Absolutely beautiful.
Great tank and wonderful pictures.
Maybe you should post some details about your setup and equipment.
We can learn a lot from you

Michael, here are some details of my system:

125 gallons aquarium

Lights - 2 - 175 watts metal halide 12,000K one Sunburst and one Reeflux and two URI VHO 160 watts 1-Actinic whites 1- Super Actinic. Moon lights on at night.

Filtration - Remora Pro protein skimmer from AquaC (hang on back). No sump or any other filters. Macroalga, mainly helimeda in reef is an excelent filtration.

Circulation - Three Koralias power heads 2-#2 and 1-#1, two Maxijet 1200 under the rocks plus the main pump to circulate water through a 1/4 hp chiller (79 degrees)

Additives - Kalwasser, RO top off water, Reef Builder 1 tsp daily to rise alkalinity 7dkh, Seachem Reef trace 1 cap daily, water change monthly 30 gal. Coralife salt, 1.025 sg.

Livestock - see the photos.. All live rock collected 17 years ago.

Here are some photos of the equipment:


By luisgon

Top off system

By luisgon

By luisgon


By luisgon

Protein Skimmer

By luisgon
Thank you for the info's about your equipment.
I am stunned to see such a great tank with so much less equipment as most other big tank owners have (no sump/refugium etc.).

Michael, the key to success in my tank is a light fish load (5), macroalga filtration in the tank (not the sump), good water flow and lots of live rock. One thing that I did't mention is that I don't have sand. Live rock in the back is suspended on an eggcrate shelve.

I have used many different types of filtration over the years and I discovered that simple setups are more stable. Equipment usually fails with time. Because I have my tank inside my house I don't want water spills.

Another thing is that the Remora Pro is a great skimmer for the size.
Nothing says class like 2x4's to hold you lights up. :lol: Just messin' with ya.

Great pics.. My favorite is the Chromis.
hehe, that's how we have our lights up too! :D we used to also have that skimmer but my bf traded it away to his sister (boooo!). that skimmer was quite efficient and easy to use for us!

i love that picture of the chromis. and what is the coral in the picture below it?
Thanks for all the comments. I love my photos but I have to say that the chromis is also my favorite. The reflection of the corals in the surface with all the colors is fantastic!

The coral under the chromis is a Turbinaria stellutata or Scroll coral. It used to be more yellow but the intense light changed the color to brown. Anyway I like the contrast of the brown with the yellow polips.

I see that some of you loke the hammer. Well here are some pics.

By luisgon

By luisgon

Here is another pic of the chromis

By luisgon

Bubble coral

By luisgon

Close up branch of a Colt coral

By luisgon
There are some comments about the way I hold my lights over the tank with the 2X4. I have to say that it is not the best look but there are some advantages. Because of the heat produced by the metal halides I need to have ventilation under the lights. I live in Puerto Rico and believe me we have hot weather all the year.

I have a piece of wood to cover that space but I only use it when I have visit and to avoid light in the room when taking macro photos.

It is also very easy to move the light fixture back to work inside the tank.

Here is a photo of the tank with the cover

When you see this tank in person I am sure you will not remember about the 2X4!

By luisgon
wonderful pictures and great looking tank. thanks for posting info about your equipment. those close ups are amazing.