recommendations needed


New member
I have a 130g 72" long with a drilled overflow in the middle and a sea swirl on my return on the right corner. Would it be a bad idea to get 2 stream pumps or should i just get one and aim it to the middle. Also, which streams do you recommend? Can a fish, snail, starfish get caught on the intake of a stream.... are there any intakes or just a propeller?
Their is an intake but I think it would be possible for a starfish or sanil to be injured or killed, I have also heard one report of a fish darting into a pump while it was on through the outlet, it was a wrasse and wrasses can dart at high speeds when freightened but I consider this an isolated incident unlikely to recur. I need to know more about what you keep.
I was asking this because my power heads have killed 1 huge BTA, 1 clown, 1 snail, 1 chromis and almost killed my blenny. I dont wnat anymore deaths. I presently have 1 bta, 1 magnifica, 1 open brain, 1 candycane, 1 colt, 3 chromis, 1 yellow tang,1 hippo tang, 1 cleaner wrasse, 2 clowns, 1 blenny. And much more to come. I cannot tolerate any more deaths.
I cannot make such a promise, with every pump this is a possibility. The safest would be to use the 7400/2 and add a filter to the intake or to extend the intake and T is so the surface area is very large and thus their is not any great suction at one point but this is a risk of all pumps and only in the set ups I listed could it actually be impossible if properly done.
Not 100%, the Stream rock should largely prevent this and it is not an easy thing to have happen because the intake is on the side of the outlet so the force should be so great that anything approaching gets blown away but 100% safe is not possible and a screen would interfere with the performance.