Recommended Ammonia Remover?


New member
Okay, so I've been trying to raise freshwater shrimp larvae (amano shrimp, vampire shrimp). These larvae need to be kept in saltwater for the first month or so, however, they seem to do best when kept in sterile conditions (they died within two days when put in a nursery in my reef tank, versus 8+ days in a jar of freshly prepared saltwater). Anyways, I've been having problems with ammonia and nitrites in their jar, despite daily water changes and careful feeding.

So, what ammonia removing product(s) would you guys recommend? Seachem Stability? Dr. Tim's Waste-Away? Thanks :).
Ooh, that one sounds good. Oh, and one more question. Can I safely use a 50 watt Cobalt Neo-Therm heater for a 2g? I wanted to get two 25 watt heaters (for two small shrimp larvae nurseries), but they only have one 25 watt.
IMO a 50W heater is massive overkill for a 2G tank..
But I don't know your ambient temp nor your desired water temperature..
Typically 3-5x tank size in gallons is more than sufficient to maintain a tank up to 10deg F over ambient.
25x is massive overkill and could end up cooking the tank in the event that the heater fails on..
Man, it's such a pain trying to find the right heaters. The ambient temperature in my house is anywhere from 65°F–74°F, depending on the season and the time of day. I just want the temperature to be 74°–78°F. Ideally I'd like it to be 76°F. Hmm. I guess I could order one 25W and put it in the 2g, then put the 1g nursery in te aviary in the basement (I'll heat the room to 76°F. See which works better. I'd prefer to have a heater that I can actually set, rather than one that's preset or constantly on. Thanks guy :)
You should definitely take a look at vampire or amano shrimps!
