Rec's for a Mangrove in a Plastic Cup


New member
Heh. Somebody sent me a mangrove thinking I had water in my new tanks. I DON'T! :eek: I am making and curing DIY rock first.

So, luckily, I live near a beach here in Northern Cali. So I went down with a plastic pint and filled half of it with wet sand and the rest with saltwater.

I stuck the leafless mangrove in it and pushed the roots in the sand and then stuck it on a window sil. No heater, nothing.

It has been there for 2 months. Occasionally I top off the water with fresh and throw in a little fish food.

So far, it is still alive and appears to be sprouting at the top!

How long can this last? I am about 2 months away from having water in my tank!

I am thinking about a water change. Other than that. I am clueless for this situation.


(Glad to see this board!)
I've known people in FL to keep them has potted houseplants. Water change probably wouldn't be a bad idea every so often just to keep up trace element concentrations. A little fertilizer might boost growth too.
I actually just heard from Anthony Calfo on this, since I will be ordering some soon and will have too many to put in the tank I'm setting up for them. Some of the best growths and successes with mangroves that I've heard of come from people who keep them in buckets or big pots.

Calfo suggests filling the container with fine sand or a mud/sand mix and adding plenty of water(freshwater works as well...if not better because the plants don't have to process the salt out of the water.)

If your's is doing fine and showing signs of growth, I wouldn't worry about it--sounds like your doing everything fine.
Potted mangroves...

Potted mangroves...

I just recieved 10 red mangroves today, I only need maybe 4 and thats pushing it. If I can't trade them all I am planning on potting at least one of them up in a nice glazed pot I have. I grow tons of plants and I have a nice spot for it. They look really neat as potted plant because they will stay small if trimmed and flower and have pods hanging off of them in even small containers. Captive propagated mangroves!!!
I took a pic of my 'mangrove in a cup' today:

