Red Bubble Algae?


Premium Member
I have this growing on Florida aquacultured rock. A brief search turned up several species of Botryocladia, but none were listed as found in the Caribbean.

Same old questions?
Should I worry, and what will eat it??


looks very similar to an algae that I just bought a couple of months ago, except mine is about 8-10 inches tall and there are about 6-8 stalks. When I bought it the person called it red bubble caulerpa. but i don't think so. it stands straight up like a little bush and waves in the current. grows really fast. I love this stuff. I would say it is the same thing as mine, and i bought it as a macro algae. i will try to get picts for you tomorrow of mine. if it is the same thing it doesn't spread around really fast, it just grows up, so its doesn't become a problem like most macros.
Hey Toni,

Being a red algae I doubt it's toxic or harmful and turbo snails, urchins, or surgeon fish would probably eat it.

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