Red bugs? Flatworms?


New member
I have a 58 gallon sps dominated tank and was wondering what to look for as far as redbugs and flatworms go. I don't really know what they look like or what kind of damage to look for. I'm wondering because the tank I get a lot of acros from is suspect for this kind of stuff. Also what eats these things? I have heard 6 lines or coris wrasse. Everything is doing good... growing and colorful, but I wonder if it could be better. Any pics or info would be greatly appreciated.
You can spot red bugs with a magnifing glass but acro eating flatworms are a bear to spot. They're clear and are pretty small. If you use a turkey baster or a small powerhead to blow on the acro and see if any bugs fly off. I wouldn't treat for anything until I saw it in my tank.
I don't plan to treat anything as Im against putting anything except for calcium, buffer, and magnesium into my tank. Is there something I can put in there to control it naturally if there is an outbreak? I'm just trying to have a little insurance on my acros.
I've just begun reading on acro bugs. Do a search and you'll find a lot of material on them. I did have red bugs and treated my tank for them. I purchased pods to replace what died (well, a starter pack anyway) and my pod population has recovered. I don't believe you can treat acro flatworms in the tank, the treatment kills a lot of good stuff. Now I do a dip on all the new corals I get and I haven't gotten anything yet. Closely examine anything you buy and do a dip on them and you should be okay.
Just recently, My yellow cornis dissappered (carpet surfing?) and I soon noticed that my caps were dieing off. I found I had monti- eating nuti's. I was blowing them off with a turkey baster but as soon as I added a 6 line into the tank, there numbers dwindled quickly and all monti's started looking better. I do believe that both the yellow cornis and 6 lines are good for certain things. I really doubt that they will help on red bugs or flatworms. but-- there is interceptor for red bugs and a type of nutibranch that eats flat worms. I just can not tell you were to find info on either.
Oh, yeh! I really like the leapord Wrase for Pyramid snails that attack clams.
I didn't know they'd eat nudibranchs. Do 6 lines eat pyrams? I think I should catch my 6 line out of my 55 and and put it in my 58 sps tank.... that should be fun.
The 6--line is eating the monti eating nutibranch in my tank, this nuti is very, very small (much like red bugs) I do not believe/ and seriously doubt that they eat all nutibranch..
Don't know about them eating pyramid snails.
BTW, Why the Heck are you fighting with us "old people"! there are pleanty of Arses to mess with.. (just a thought..)
i just added a acro colony and i have seen my six line getting up in it checking it out, looking hungry. so it appears they eat a lot of bad things. if only they weren't so mean.
could someone show a pic of red bugs? I've never seen them. or are they too small to reaaly take a pic of?
Well, I tried to find the thread I ran back in December, but searching doesn't show it for some reason (even went back 6 months...). Here are some pics I took in treatment.




They are the little yellow bugs with red spots. You need a magnifying glass to find them the first time. I can spot them with a bare eye now (if there are a number of them, anyway). Movement will usually give them away.