red bugs!!!

thanks for the info. I think I going to remove dip and put them in a q-tank for 2 weeks. I only have a few and that seems like the way to do it in my case. if any one knows of anything else to dip them in that will work good without killing the acros please let me know asap. I want to dip tomorrow.
You might as well just just go through the treatment cycle with the q tank. Dont dip them. as dipping them will not work. they need to be in a Interceptor bath for at leat 6 hours.
I believe that according to Borneman's research a double strength dip in Lugol's or Reef Dip (Seachem's) for 5 to 10 minutes would kill them.
so i got 2 for the dip and 1 with intercepter treatment. any one else? will a dip do or intercept only? I cant beleive that before the recent interceptor there was nothing to kill or remove these bugs before adding the corals to the tank.
This has all ben hashed out, literally, a hundred times.
Interceptor works.
Iodine can stress and kill the corals at the strength needed to kill the tegastes.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6472279#post6472279 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pyrrhus
I believe that it was concluded that the RB's starve in 4-5 days without acropora.

ya thanks we answered that. the question was how to get them off the coral. SeanT said thats been covered a hundred times. But If I knew that i wouldnt be asking. thanx :rolleyes:
I haven't lost any corals that were dipped .Red bugs died with in the first 5 mins of the dips .

I agree interceptor works but so does my TM PCD . If needed to treat the entire tank then interceptor will fit that bill . But if i can remove all acros .QT them and kill the rbs with either interceptor or a dip then after a week return them to my tank with all my pods and crabs still living .

Why kill the tanks entire crustacean population for less than a dozen non encrusted acros .

Doesn't make since to me . Again if the tank is super stocked and no way then interceptor is the only way.
My suggestion would be to dip them when you remove them from the main tank and then place into the qt . After those 4-5 days look hard if you don't see them or not many redip them and then place them in the main tank again .
Please post after you finish your treatment, I would like to know how successful you are, IE return of the bugs, coral losses, bleaching, ETC. I am holding off on treatment for a while until I know more about these pests. Thanks!

SeanT said-Have you tried searching. :rolleyes:

The search dosent work for me probably cause I didnt support rc. Strangely I thought the concept of the web site was to ask questions and get answers not to be hassled and and annoyed by others. But I'm sure you'll have a question about something you havent came accross yet and I'll be there to help! :thumbdown :uzi: :confused:
Man, the thing is there are literally hundreds of threads on this.
Hashed and rehashed over and over.
You seem to be looking for some loophole, which you have been told, doesn't exist.
The safe choice is interceptor treatment...or red bugs.
Not looking for a loophole just asked a question that I didnt know the answer to since this isnt a problem I have came accross. I was told to use intercepter to treat the tank but it would probably kill pods and crabs, so i asked if I removed the few pieces of acro I had could I just treat them and starve off the rest of the bugs in the tank I got my answers and unfortunatly a whole lot more. I just dont want to treat my tank I'll remove the acros to a different tank try a dip if it dont work I'll intercept the qt-tank. That was all I wanted. So unless you have an answer or some useful information please refrain from wasting my time with your childish whines. Your not forced to reply so dont feel obligated to. thanx :fun2:
How did your treatment with TMPCC go? Curious as everyone was so sure it wouldn't kill red bugs and interceptor was the only way.
A little off topic but does TMPCC have iodine in it? Im sure that somthing preys on red bugs so while ur corals are in QT it might be worth finding something that feeds on them to help speed up the process in the display.