Red Coris, Tassled File, Purple Tile, Radiant


New member
Hey guys:

Thinking about ordering, but need some additional info. Specifically:

Red Coris Wrasse Adult - says he's 2.5-4.5 - any idea what size they actually are? I dont think I've ever seen a red coris with the adult coloration at 2.5"

Purple Tilefish - large says 3-4". How big are they? Are they eating? I know you ship healthy, but the key for these guys is that they are eating. Is he?

Tassled File - large says 3.5-5.5" - how big is he?

Radiant Wrasse - Medium 1.5 - 3.5" - again, big difference between an 1.5 incher and a 3.5 incher. Can you specify?

Very good questions. Let's see.

The coris wrasses in that size range are on the higher end of the scale. They look about 3.5-4"

The purple tilefish are pretty close to 4" and they are eating brine shrimp for sure. They might be eating our BZ mix too as that is what they are offered a few times a day but brine shrimp for sure.

We have one tassled file that is a little over 4" and the rest are all around 3" or so.

And the radiant wrasses are in the 2.5" range. We have lots of those.

Hope that helps. :)
When you say brine, do you mean live?

Are they eating mysis or something frozen? I'm leary to order these already difficult fish without seeing them eat frozen.

Oh, and can you confirm that the red coris are at their full adult coloration? I'm surprised as I usually see the juveniles in that 4" range. Usually the adults seem to be bigger no?
I would be leery too. They are sensitive fish for sure. I think more losses occur from jumping out of tanks than from malnutrition though. We do feed live brine here which is gut loaded with metronidazole and our own food blend. The only frozen food we feed is frozen silver sides and krill for the larger carnivores.

4" juvi coris wrasse? Really? There is no set size for any fish to change from juvi to adult coloration. It has to do with population densities where they collected. Less dense areas produce smaller sized adults. The adults we have are full adults. :)
Thanks for that.

I placed an order - #818599


Adult Red Coris
Purple Tile
Tassed File
Algae Cleaner Pack

Can you:

- verify that it will arrive tomorrow morning (Friday) - I need to work from home to ensure

- Can you please send the biggest of each so, the biggest red coris, the biggest purple tile and the largest of the tassled file and the solarensis I ordered is the larger male.

Sure we can do all that. Thank you for the business. We truly appreciate it.

Your order looks like it will be fine to leave today. The husbandry department is making their rounds now so if there are any red flags we will know in an hour or so and make you aware. Take care and have a great day.