Red Cotton Algae

Is Red Cotton Algae stuff that gets on the glass and particularly on the sand substrate? I think I have a little of that going on, and not sure why. I have a 55, so really not enough room for a Tang, but I could get some more snails I guess.

What do you suggest?
I'm not sure what bajabum is refering to. If the tang loves it maybe gracillaria? It's red and kind of cottony I guess and tangs love it. Maybe polysiphonia or asparagopsis, but I don't think many tangs like that stuff. Check for nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and for low alkalinity. ElJefe I think you may be having a diatom outbreak. Get alot of it out here because of the silicate in the water. If you can't switch to RO/DI water, try conchs for the substrate and turbos for the glass. If it's a new tank, its just one of those things, and will burn itself out if you don't use tap water.

Edit: After I wrote this I found a great thread on the stuff. I only got about 1/2 way down before I thought I should link this here. So far some great advice.
Thanks man. My algae is definitely not like that. I looked at it a little more tonight after coming by, and it is brown. I am sure it is diatom like you said. I will start replacing tap water with RO water on water changes until I get my RO system up and running.

Thanks for the help.