Red Devil People Eaters stung by Anemone


New member
I just traded a frag of REd Devil People Eaters with a local guy and the polyps were stung by an anemone. They look to be recovering but anything i can do to make sure it recovers?

Got an amazing deal on them
Lugols always for healing ( iodine )


Started opening after lugols

The middle polyp took the brunt i bet, it's showing pinching symptoms on polyp head. Its not bad but keep a eye on it. Do more dips of lugols as per bottle instructions in the incoming weeks.
i had some lunar eclipse palys get stung by a torch, they started acting fine and opening on their own after i moved them. not sure if that helps at all lol
Nice score and good luck with the recovery. I've had no issues keeping them, but lots of people have trouble keeping the Hawaiian PEs long term. Always good to frag them up and keep some in a buddies tank in case something goes south so you don't lose the stock completely
Nice score and good luck with the recovery. I've had no issues keeping them, but lots of people have trouble keeping the Hawaiian PEs long term. Always good to frag them up and keep some in a buddies tank in case something goes south so you don't lose the stock completely

Just have to learn how to frag without killing them now lol
I have a rainbow colony that was trampled on by a RTBA 2 weeks ago. They revovered in a couple of days and have been growing at an insane rate since the stinging. I did not dip, just moved a way from the anenome. Must be sudden surge for life preservation.