red liny spikes on LR


New member
Hi guys....I am noticing that on my LR there are little tiny red spikes forming....I am not sure what it is definetly new because there was none of it when I got it...the corraline on it is green/orange/pink/ red at all.....Its Walt Smith premium fiji rock.....unfortunetly the order was delayed in mail and it took 8 days to deliver....luckly when i got the rock it wasnt in too bad of a actually didnt stink that bad but it did have some deaths....

it had a huge ammonia spike to is now at 0 and its been in the tank for 10 days

do you think those little tiny red spikes could be a parasite just wondering that the rock might have gotten some parasite cause of the delay...or is it just new coraline forming on my rock....note the rock has only been in my tank for 10 days but the tank has been running for about 3 weeks before i got the rock

i dont have any pictures of it yet but i will take some soon
Are they sharp and hard, like you can snap them off but they'd hurt your fingers when you do? When you stir things up in the tank, does it look like they have little webs or stringy things coming out of them?

If so, do a search on vermetid snails. If that's it, they're harmless but kind of a pest when they get out of control.

Rick, you're probably more on the right track with that link than I am as new as his rock is.

Stingers and Hanauma-Reef, pics would be great!

hey guys
I will post some pictures once my roommate brings back my camera
although it does look like forams....they look just like the figure #3 from the link that rick attached

from reading the article it seems they are good to have and nothign to worry about right??

thanks again
Im so glad to hear that....I was really worried that rock might not make it but it seems its doing pretty good....has quite a bit of coralline on it too and quite a bit of purple as well