red mushrooms for trade in Lock Haven


Moved back to central PA in mid July and my tank is back on track.

I have an abundance of Red Mushrooms in my 29 gallon. They reproduce fairly quick. Some of them are as large as 4 inches across. If anyone is interested in swapping I would like to trade particularly for non-brown zoos, non-red mushrooms, star polyp, kenya tree. But I will consider just about anything.

Sorry for the trade post-but I dont have the 50 posts I need to use the trade forum.

Its cool. We can do a trade. I have star polyps, pink zoos(as many as you want), and mostly other SPS. I have a frogspawn head, and some LPS like acans and echinos. I have Green Palythoas but they are light hungry to stay green. Most people have them brown out if they are not under MH.

Let me know what you are interested in.
Still have a few left if anyone is interested

Still have a few left if anyone is interested

I still have a few red mushrooms left if anyone is interested.
Any interest in shipping? If so, shoot me a PM. I have a ton of purple shrooms, and a yellow tubinaria I'm trying to part with, as well as star polyps, some zoo's etc...
