Red sea coral pro vs red sea salt


New member
Ive been using red sea coral pro for a little over a year now. Always mix it at 1.026-1.025 and never had any issues. Ive been bored at home the past few days off and been reading alot of people get high alk and ph spikes just after a water change and that the red sea salt (blue bucket) is more stable than the coral pro version. I havent tested my water once since ive started in this hobby (besides salinity) but was curious if others have had issues with the coral pro salt and went to the red sea salt instead. Thanks in advance, nathan
I ask because im due for another 200 gallon bag today and was wondering if itd be worth switching from the coral pro to the regular. Btw i have no sps corals. All lps. And probably a little over stocked on corals
it looks like those issues with burned SPS have other factors - like low nutrients and intense lighting with red sea coral pro.

I had problems when I switched to Red Sea Coral Pro - but I had alot of other issues besides that. I switched to ESV in my new builds and hope for success this time around.
I was using reef crystals but had quite a few boxes that just turned into 1 giant block of salt lol thats why i went to the red sea coral pro. I guess each salt has different results in different tanks due to coral stocking and probably overall size of corals. But like i said i currently have no issues with the coral pro (wouldnt know if i did have issues as i dont ever test my water) i know the fish are happy, corals are growing great and coraline is spreading like wildfire in my gf's 7 month old biocube. Just wanted to see the oros and cons between the 2 differnt salts red sea offers.
If all is good then no reason to rock the boat! I would think since you have no SPS then your not using up the CAL and ALK which are high in Pro so your tank is prob staying stable with the high numbers. In other words I bet if you did test your water the Cal and Alk are pretty close to the numbers of the RSCP. If its working leave it alone
Thats what i was thinking. Was just curious is all, that and boredom lol sticking with coral pro it is. Maybe this topic would have been better suited if i had harder corals to keep
if all is good then no reason to rock the boat! I would think since you have no sps then your not using up the cal and alk which are high in pro so your tank is prob staying stable with the high numbers. In other words i bet if you did test your water the cal and alk are pretty close to the numbers of the rscp. If its working leave it alone
