Red Sea Reefer Hard Plumbing

The Gurg

New member
Lots of people in the United States have hard plumbed the Red Sea Reefer. Most solutions involve buying Red Sea Part 4221 and replacing the barb with a threaded adapter and using a extra couple of wraps of Teflon to make the metric part work with the standard part.

I'm only interested in changing to a spear gate valve at this time, rather than more elaborate plumbing. My tank is the RSR 170.

I wanted to hear thoughts on my more expensive solve: I contacted a supplier in the UK that will sell me 25mm parts. Instead of buying the smaller sump return piece R4221, I would order R42219 the emergency drain pipe (the sump portion) and cut into the pipe and glue everything together using a 25mm spear gate valve, 25mm pipe and 25mm elbows. Any reason this shouldn't work?


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Awesome. Way cheaper not to have to ship international. Having trouble finding the pipe and elbows on their site. I’ll give them a call and see if I can get all the parts from them.

I measured the outside diameter of the emergency pipe with a micrometer and came up with 25mm. I shouldn’t have any issues glueing the pipe or anything, right? The pvc has a glossier finish than I’ve seen before. Makes me question that pvc glue will work, I would think so but not 100%. Also, hoping there are no fit issues. Assuming the Red Sea part once cut with fit into the gate valve.
I did a google search for metric pvc, got a few hits.

You can try that.

As far as glueing, I used the colored pvc, it was shiny as compared to regular pvc, used the Oatley Medium Clear without priming first, didn't have any issues with joining or leaks.
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As I’m digging into it. Finding there is DIN and JIS standards for metric piping. I think the Red Sea uses DIN but will need to confirm with Red Sea.
One other thing I was thinking about. The pump I have is a Sicce Syncra 2.0 with 568gph. Seems like that might be a bit high for 22mm internal diameter of the 25mm pipe I would have by using the emergency drain pipe as the main. But overflow pipe ratings charts seem to vary a bit and are all over the place. If it works for an emergency drain, it should be ok for a main. Maybe the pump is rated too high for the RSR 170? Thoughts?
Worked perfect looks stock. Thanks Member No. 1 for helping me find US sources of the parts. Runs silent now, doesn't leak, great mod.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU you two for this thread and the link to the metric gate valve.

I have a Reefer 450 and was resisting using part R42222 and a threaded adapter because of the decreased internal diameter. But now I will use my emergency drain parts instead. (I've already replaced the emergency drain with an R42222 and vinyl hose, so I have it readily available to modify.)