red seas reefer series


New member
has anyone seen these in person I like the way red sea is going making it a bundle of just the tank stand and sump. gives you the opportunity to just choose on your equipment without breaking an arm and a leg buying the red sea max tanks (financially speaking for myself). love the rimless look they have to them, let me know what you guys think :beer:

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has anyone seen these in person I like the way red sea is going making it a bundle of just the tank stand and sump. gives you the opportunity to just choose on your equipment without breaking an arm and a leg buying the red sea max tanks (financially speaking for myself). love the rimless look they have to them, let me know what you guys think :beer:

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Yeah it is nice I have seen it in person as one of my friend has one. They are on back order and are slowly coming in. Built quality is great. I wend with the cad light 70 instead of the reefer 70 because of the dimensions . Built quality seem pretty close.
just asking. because it would be nice to get a new tank but not have to hold up a bank just to buy it....... really....... on todays news a man holds up a bank just to buy a fish tank........... once in jail.... they ask..... hay man what you in here for....... I robbed a bank to buy a new fish tank....:deadhorse::deadhorse::headwally::headwally::headwalls::thumbdown:debi::deadhorse1::lolspin:
just did....... wow for $5k + I can make my own and then some.... them tanks are for ppl that stay in a high rise and don't know a dime about n.e.thing
Yea although nice they are still on the pricey side, in my opinion. for that money I can go bigger or do similar for cheaper. Doesn't take away that it's still very nice though
I have seen them in person. Very nice craftsmanship overall. I agree a little pricey but at the end of the day this is still called a HOBBY!