red slime on zoanthid


New member
I have a small colony of Tubs blues that has a redish slime in some of the polyps. This slime is nowhere else in the tank. What is it and how can I get rid of it.

A picture would help...aside from that, it maybe either a fungus, cyano algea or type of sponge...

Either way you can give the polyps a gentle scrub with a soft brush, then a soak in some lugols (iodine) dip, quick rinse and put them back in an area with good indirect flow, then just give it some time....


Sorry about the out of focus picture, but my camera is not that great. You can see the redish slime and that most of the zoas are closed

just make sure the cyano doesnt cover the polyps assuming it is cyano. Turkey blaster daily will do the trick tell you can get it under control.