Red Sponge Hitchhiker


New member
This is a tank I restarted after years away . Finnaly getting past some of that new tank or in this case restarted tank .
Not positive on this guys name and if he is a negative over time as to some sponges toxicity he is getting pretty big pretty quickly . I thought a few weeks back as I was watching him sprout and grown I knew what he was but now I am not sure . Thanks for any advice on him. Definitely a hitchhiker but how good or bad as he grown more??


  • second saved Oct 9,18 049_edited-1.jpg
    second saved Oct 9,18 049_edited-1.jpg
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Are you sure it's a sponge? I don't see any pores. The fact that it is growing quickly makes it sound more like a red macro algae. Whatever it is, it's gorgeous! I'd leave it be, unless someone can ID it as harmful.
You may be right thinking about the speed of growth . I will shoot some more shots and watch it closely. I was in the hobby a long time years ago and this one is a new one to me. Thanks will keep you posted .
Does it have pores (holes) in it? All sponges do. You also might try giving it a little pinch, to see if it feels spongy.
es I have looked closely and as to pores only thing I see is what possibly is one on this shot on the lower left quadrant. Seems like it has enveloping folds more so? Texture wise I have squeeze it , seems to be like a firm sponge


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    1 0ct 10,18 006.jpg
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Thanks that one was one of my first thoughts. But it just seems different than any I have seen ??
If it has pores, it could be a sponge (small pores across most surfaces), or a tunicate/colonial tunicate (usually a large(r) opening). Without pores, I'd have to go with some sort of algae.

Thanks all I will continue watching it grow and hopefully figure this guy out . Regardless he is a bit different . Now one of the the wifes Clowns is starting to host. Will send shots as time progresses .
Thanks all I will keep you posted on it . Regardless of what it is it seems healthy and still growing . In all the years in the past with my old tanks this one is new to me. On thing it is very firm to the touch or squeeze . Was almost afraid of hurting it but it seems fine . Now if the wife's clown don't pester it too much trying to host on it.