Red stuff on my live rock help please!!


New member
Hi I've had my reef tank going for about 4 months now and started seeing red stuff growing on my live rock. Please help I don't no if it's coraline or algae still really new to this please give me some pointers. It's a 55 gallon bowfront with reef octopus 1000 hob and 2 165 watt popular grow led lights. I have my lights run from 10 am till 7pm 10 am till 12 blues then 12 till 7pm blues and whites
My understanding is that if it sticks to the rock it's coralline and good. If it comes off easily by brushing with a toothbrush or squirting syringe of tank water at it, then it's cyano and it's bad. If it's hairy it's red hair algae and bad, but harder to remove than cyano.
placing my bet for cyanobacteria..

siphon/3 day lights out/siphon again (non-chemical means)
chemiclean or red slime remover/siphon (chemical means)
It does look hairy and red and I just looked again with my lights on and it looks like there is green algae as well. How did this happen? Just few weeks ago I didn't have a problem with it till now and what can I do to fix this problem??
Algae is a normal part of new marine setup, we reefer to as the "uglies". All new tanks go through this phase. How you choose to combat it will affect how long it sticks around.

Typically high nitrates, and high phosphates is what causes it. Get your nutrients export methods in order, with some manual scrubbing of the rocks, and it should clear up pretty quickly.
Does it make a difference from switching to tap water to ro.di? I've used tap water for the first month n half n been using Ro.di every since. That would help the algea correct??
Very normal for this to occur at this time frame in your ever-maturing tank. I recently went through the "ugly" phase of green hair algae and cyano. I did the Chemi Clean approach after trying the lights out approach not working and having it come back within a few days. I'm going on 45 days and no new slime (Powder Blue Tang taking care of the green hair. I ONLY use RODI and it still happened. Good luck.
If it goes away in the dark and comes back in the light it's cyanobacteria; if it stays on the rocks, there's a red algae that in my tank precedes coralline.