Reef Clubs in Fort Wayne, IN

you don't have to come to every meeting by any means. If you get a chance come up to the first one. It should be a good turn out.

If nothing else please keep in touch with the page for upcoming meetings that you might have a chance on coming to.

Hopefully, if all goes to plan, I would like to set up a website for the club and have a frag section so people can post frags they have for sale or trade for the club.
This sounds great! I wish there had been a club when I first started it would have saved me a bundle. I have some old odds and ends kicking around which would be offered up to our club first to our members.....

Getting a website would be great too. I am all for this as it is a great way to swap frags and be a support network in the event something happens we can then get our own frags back.....great idea and I will be there on the 26th.
One polyp died and the rest were going to be overrun by red coralline. Killed the red coralline and remounted the colony on another plug. I'll have a frag for you right about 2010 it grows so slow. Maybe I oughta feed it some more huh?
I just thought I would drop in. I tore down my 90 in August when I moved from Indy to Ft Wayne but I plan to set it up again sometime within the next year or so.

That being said, I still troll RC and want to keep in touch with others in the hobby. I'm not sure if I'll make it on Saturday but I wanted to introduce myself and express my interest in joining the group.

I work most saturdays, including this upcoming saturday, and therefore will be unable to attend the meeting, but was wondering if there are any of you that "specialize" in or keep quite a few ricordea. I have several different softies and a few lps and am always looking to trade for various colored ricordea polyps to add to my collection. I prefer the Florida as opposed to the yuma. If anyone has any they'd like to trade, shoot me an e-mail at and I can send pics of what I have for trade. Thanks and I hope the kick-off meeting has a large turnout and goes well!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11661275#post11661275 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Miasma_F
I just thought I would drop in. I tore down my 90 in August when I moved from Indy to Ft Wayne but I plan to set it up again sometime within the next year or so.

That being said, I still troll RC and want to keep in touch with others in the hobby. I'm not sure if I'll make it on Saturday but I wanted to introduce myself and express my interest in joining the group.


nice to hear from you Matt. Please keep a watch on this page for upcoming meetings, and we hope to see on Saturday.

Well so far it sounds like I have to work until 1:30 Saturday. I plan on comming, but when I get there, how do I find you guys??? Is there a party/group name everyone is meeting by?
Hey so how did it go with the first meeting? I'm a loser so I didn't show up. Had a friend that needed help with pulling an engine out of a truck. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it. So how did it go. I hope I was the only one that was a no show.
Yeah, sorry I let everyone down. I was freezing at a friend's house trying to get a LS1/tranny out of the truck he hauled it in. He has little in the way of tools/brains so I was trying to comepensate for him. Hehe
The meeting wasn't to bad. Kind of hard to hear anyone talk in there. But it was't bad. Hopefully you can make the next one.