Reef Grow Bulbs?????plz Help


New member
i have 15 k Reef Grow bulbs, and i cant find out any info on them,l comparisons or anything, are these bulbs good, i have 2x250watt 15k Reef Grow mogul base M58 ballast..plz help
I have two on my 55gl and I like them. The 15k has a real nice blue color and give good growth. They are so blue I don't even need to run my atinics
any par value for the reef grow bulbs anywhere, maybe some sort of comparison to lets say xm bulbs? any links
I'm not sure I haven't mesured the par and I didn't get no info on them they were cheap and I needed a bulb becase miner went out and didn't have the money for an XM and I am happy with them so far so they will work until i buy more
same here....are the 400's going on the 65 reef....i like the elctric bill tthough using electromagnetic ballast?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6942543#post6942543 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spoon25
same here....are the 400's going on the 65 reef....i like the elctric bill tthough using electromagnetic ballast?

-------they will be going on the 65. if i can make it fit w/ the 2 175's i have and my atinics they will be on it too. far the in college i dont pay a bill for electricity:rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6943087#post6943087 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spoon25
u shoudl use the 175's on the 29gallon, my hood is huge and i could barly fit 4 96 pcs and the 250MH

------ill prob go w/ the 400's and my atinics....keep the 175's for future tank.