Reef life's new store, two thumbs up!

Rogger Castells

New member
I visited the new store today for the first time and I must say that the reviews I have read online so far are very accurate, I must say though that I was still very impressed with the set-up and the attention to detail that I observed everywhere I looked.
I was particularly impressed with the current coral tank and fish tank display wall, but by far what really caught me by surprise and will be of great help for me is that there is a small space in the store dedicated for kids, this room has some toys and small games that will keep my kids busy enough time for me to look at corals in peace! There is also a space in the store dedicated to orchids; this should keep my wife busy as well, IMO that was a very smart move.
I can't wait to see all the tanks set up; I encourage everyone to visit this store.
I bought three pieces of coral that are very nice and I am still acclimating them, I will post pictures later when they are in the tank.
I was going to go today, but got caught doing something. I think I will go tomorrow and visit Reef's Edge for the first time too. :)
Thanks Rogger! I'm just trying to make it a fun place for all, big or small. I too have a little one to appease :D
hey pat thanks for helping me geting my reflector i am glad now the i see the difreans wow its all i can say now and the mh bulb work perfect thanks alot

ill pic up my corals soon lol
It was the least I could do Manny after all the terrific acrylic work you've done for our shop. Enjoy the lights and your new corals growing under them.
VERY NICE PLACE I might add. Although it wasn't completely set up yet... looking into all the work and plumbing, it was like "wow" Even the GF was impressed and the tank with the top view looks awsome!
Cant wait to visit the new store.....made one attemp so far and got called back to work...:(
Pat heard great things about the new store....:).(as I did with the old store)...I did get to pick up a few things before the move...will be stopping by this week for sure...
Brian:fish2: :fish2: :thumbsup:
i just got my coral there today i have my cam up and runing if you guys want to see how good they look in my tank lol (just want to show off ) jk
Got to get by there yesterday. Great store, already looking like a good start. Shelves are pretty much full, corals like crazy! Really neat display tank. Great colored acros, some really nice LPS and softies as well. Thing I loved the most was the decor, and the orchid store in the front. Can't wait to see the display up and running. Everyone needs to stop in and see the store at least once, show Pat some support. He's supported the club on numerous occasions. Here's to a great store getting even better! (And I like the fish containment area even better than the old style.) Good luck, Pat!
The store is located in Cooper City in the Timberlake Plaza on the S.W. corner of Griffin Rd. & Pine Island Drive.
He's not allowed to post hours, it constitutes advertising which is againts the user terms and conditions. I'm going today, and I think it's 12.
My one and only stop into Reef Life made me not want to go back; I had recently just moved to the area and had gone to last years Aquarium show. When talking to people at the show on which stores were the best around I was told that Reef Life was one that everyone needed to visit on a regular bases. On my way back home I did make a stop to check the shop out and I was amazed at the quantity and quality of what was available especially the coral section, and looked forward to making Reef Life my primary store to purchase from. This all changed when I was leaving the store, I was asked by who I later found out was Pat what I thought of the shop and how I had heard about the shop, well after telling him I then got this big talk about how bad the show was, how bad the club was and how bad the officers where who ran the club. I decided at that time that this was not the kind of shop I wanted to spend my money in, what a way for a local shop to support the local club by doing nothing but bad mouthing the club to a new resident to the area! I now find it hard after the statements I heard that day to read others say how much he has supported the club, maybe he has changed or maybe he is just trying to get more members to come to the new shop but from talking to a club member recently they are not aware of any support for the club from Reef Life since last years show.
Devindman, I don't mean to be disrespectful to you in any way but your comments just seem so odd! And honestly offensive to my intelligence I hope you don’t expect the people from this forum to believe that you had just moved into the area and could have acquired such loyalty for a club you probably didn't even belong to at the time of your visit and that from a comment from a LFS owner you decided to not continue to visit that store, WOW! Are you for real?

First of all every one is entitle to an opinion, what ever Pat’s or any other store owner opinion of the club is their prerogative, the fact is that through out this whole time that I had shown up to reef life every time I flagged my FMAS id at the time of paying he has deducted the 10% we have as a perk in his store. I don’t see any other store do that.

On the other hand you coming on this forum to repeat what someone told you or not in a private conversation and in the process bash a store that is basically just starting up makes absolutely no sense.

Don’t you have some kind of decency to understand that this guy has probably spend all his savings and many loans to be able to open this store for us and by doing this bashing you are just trying to hurt his business and ultimately all of us including your self.

Honestly I could care less what he told you or how he feels about the old or new directive of a club to which I belong to and respect, the truth is that it is our right to be able to have an opinion and you should be able to be man enough to respect it, getting involve in this kind of POLITICS is not what this hobby is all about.

Have some fun, enjoy your hobby, go back to the store and get your 10% off.