Reef Octopus 200INT Skimmer problems

I have a Reef Octopus 200INT skimmer, that I have had a little over a year now. As of late, the filler cup is filling up with water quite rapidly, and then it overflows on to the floor of the tank stand. I have dismantled the skimmer twice, soaked in vinegar, and cleaned. While cleaning, I have never found any more than a slight sludge build up of slime in the impeller area. Everything is clean. I placed the pump in a bucket of water/vinegar and let it run for awhile.

Once I put everything back together, the skimmer will run as it should, and in a days time it overflows with water again. I have adjusted the volume control knob and the only way I can get it to stop is to turn the volume down to where the knob is a 1/2" from being completely closed. The water level in my skimmer is usually no more than half way up the throat which gives me an even mix of wet/dry skim. If I unplug the skimmer, and plug it back in, it will run fine for a few hours, then back to overflowing it goes.

Any suggestions? Am I missing something obvious?
perhaps the rpm on the impeller is changing. put the pump on a "Kill-O-Watt" meter and see if the electricity usage changes when it starts acting up. If the rpm of the impeller changes there will be a slight change in the kill o watt reading....
I'm a bit confused as to how your internal (in-sump) skimmer is overflowing inside the stand. It sounds like it just needs to be adjusted a little to prevent overflowing. In the meantime, move it a bit in the sump so that when it does have an issue it just dumps back into the sump. That, IMHO, is the beauty of internal vs external skimmers. No flood!
Did you check the air intake? Tubes and all? I have that skimmer and it shouldn’t be doing that. How thick is the skim mate?
I added airline tubing to my Venturi intake and a small valve after that. Since then I have had a very dense foam and no issues with my Reef Octopus.

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