Reef Pack in the infamous Fluval Edge


New member

Let's try this again... tried posting a thread but it won't show up in the public forum :confused:

I'm really kicking myself in the foot. I wish I started a journal on how my tank got to where it is. oh well, we're here now!

Started off with a fluval edge tank my friend was going to throw away, I wanted a bit of a challenge to keep. Everyone who I know who owns a Reef tank says nano tanks are hard to maintain.

Honestly, I do 15-20% water change every 5 days, and feed every other day. Check my parameters before and after I do my water change.


6 Gallon Fluval Edge
Current USA Marine Orbit Nano LED light
240gph koralia
AquaClear 20 HOB
50w Heater


Live Stock:
2 Perc Clowns
1 peppermint shrimp
1 emerald crab
2 blue legged hermit crabs
2 Ceriths snails
2 Nerites snails

Seems a lot in a 6 gallon, but It's been running for 8 months now, and no casualties, I'm happy about it.

on to the addicting stuff...
Neon green star polyp
Pom Pom Xenia
Purple Goni Coral
Yellow Ricordea mushroom
Aussie Duncan coral
Emerald Green torch coral
Bicolor Hammer coral
Frogspawn coral
Red Bulb tip Anemone
Green Bulb tip Anemone (a friend was letting me look after it when his tank nuked, but he never set his tank back up, now I'm stuck with two...

I really wish I had a fancy camera to capture how beautiful it is, but an iPhone will do.






Also caught my little guy getting cozy with the torch!

Nice tank!

Nice tank!

I too have the fluval edge 6 and it has only been setup for about three months. Stock filter filled with live rock rubble and small amount of chemipure, 8-9 lbs of live rock in the tank, 2-3 inch sand bed mixed grades for the gobies and pistol, and a koralia nano 240.

I just got the MarineOrbit LED this past weekend and so far love the lights. I was wondering if you could share the lighting program you are using (channel intensities/times etc...). Not sure what is best and what is too bright as I am new to the reef world. always had FOWLR tanks previously.
My species list is:

Pair of Hi Fin Goby's (red banded)
Candy Cane Pistol (so cool watching this trio together)
4 Nassarius Snails
Ton of Dwarf Ceriths
A few standard Ceriths
Pink Drawf FeatherDuster

Kenya Tree (someone gave me, prob will be removed soon)
I just put in the tank this past weekend when i got the lights
2 acan frags (2 small heads on each)
2 different zoas frags (5-8 polyps each)
Cyphastrea Frag (about the size of a quarter)
Blastomussa welsi frag

Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated? Is the marine orbit system the only light you are using?
You'll have no problem growing those corals under that light.

I have my lights set at:
Max intensity for blue 100% and white at 75%
Min intensity for blue at 20% and white at 0%
Sunset/sunrise at 30min
moonlight at 5hrs

Only light I'm using, and very happy with it :)

Just keep up with the water change! be persistent of it, since it's such a small tank

happy reefing~
Hey thanks so much for the info. Did you have to slowly raise the light intensity until you went to 100 and 75 or did you just start there? Also how long do you have your blues on vs your whites?

Your tank looks really nice. I'll try to upload pic of mine soon and start a tank thread. I'm using Red Sea coral pro salt so hoping if I do two gallons weekly things should remain at good levels and not require dosing of any sort. I also have a lot of live rock in the tank and I think I will eventually remove some to allow space for more corals to grow. Or break them up into smaller pieces so they don't go so high in the tank. So far the frags I have look great.

Last question regarding the frags, currently a few of them I was able to break off their plugs and glue directly to rocks but a couple were too small to do that to so they are just on their plugs sitting on the sand surface. What do you do in the future to move these onto rocks?
You'll have no problem growing those corals under that light.

I have my lights set at:
Max intensity for blue 100% and white at 75%
Min intensity for blue at 20% and white at 0%
Sunset/sunrise at 30min
moonlight at 5hrs

Only light I'm using, and very happy with it :)

Just keep up with the water change! be persistent of it, since it's such a small tank

happy reefing~

you just letting it rest on the lip?

or will it mount correctly on the 6 edge?
I have mine just resting on the lip/opening but I have a small piece of plexiglass under it to allow me to have it further forward that just the opening. Seems to work fine. The legs on the light are about a quarter inch past the edge so the legs won't work. U could easily make teo new legs if u want it using the legs as opposed to resting on the opening. I love this light so far and I wish I didn't lose the stock look of my tank, but I was happy to sacrifice the stock look to get good light coverage, features, etc. And not pay 300 dollars for a light.
You dont have any issues with the hammer and torch next to one another? That is typically a no no from what I have seen as they will sting one another. The hammer and frogspawn combo works but normally have to seperate torches...