Reef safe crabs?????

so i ordered blue legged crabs..I got some that are twice the size as the small blue legs we see lately and they are called AFRICAN REEF CRABS..

The supplier is telling me they are REEF SAFE...

Can anyone confirm??? I have never seen these before and I have some bloody expensive corals....

Input pls
Thx people!

so i ordered blue legged crabs..I got some that are twice the size as the small blue legs we see lately and they are called AFRICAN REEF CRABS..

The supplier is telling me they are REEF SAFE...

Can anyone confirm??? I have never seen these before and I have some bloody expensive corals....

Input pls
Thx people!


Hard to say anything without the species name or a picture.
Exactly the reason I don't keep any crabs.
Since removing 2 years ago, I have not lost anything, not even a snail.
(I don't keep wrasses as well)

Yep, I'm still a fairly new reefer, but that scared me off from crabs. At least for a tank with corals. It sucks too, because he was interesting to watch and he definitely helped eat some algae!
I use snails for algae, Mexican for RED, Atrea for GREEN, Nar's for the sand.
I would love to have crabs but I have a lot of corals, to risky for me.
Do you have a top on yours or do your snails not try to venture into the great unknown?

I have never used a top. I suspend my LED's. Want max gas exchange, easy access for feeding, cleaning, etc...

A snail leave? Interesting.
Nope, never in 25 years, a crab, maybe.
Love snails, 10 Nar's, 5 Mexican Turbs, 20 Astrea, in a 70. They are the only CUC members I trust long term.

If you ever get Red Hair Algae and want it gone, Mexican Turbos are just amazing, 5 cleared several patches of RHA in two weeks. And mean GONE!

Astrea seem lazier than Mexican at consuming green so I use a lot more.
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I have never used a top. I suspend my LED's. Want max gas exchange, easy access for feeding, cleaning, etc...

A snail leave? Interesting.
Nope, never in 25 years, a crab, maybe.
Love snails, 10 Nar's, 5 Mexican Turbs, 20 Astrea, in a 70. They are the only CUC members I trust long term.

If you ever get Red Hair Algae and want it gone, Mexican Turbos are just amazing, 5 cleared several patches of RHA in two weeks. And mean GONE!

Astrea seem lazier than Mexican at consuming green so I use a lot more.

Interestingly enough I had a clownfish jump out last night :( Poor little guy!