reef safe mesh?


I also posted this in the diy forum but I thought that some people here may also have some thoughts.

I am looking for some sort of mesh, or screen or netting that I can make a bag out of to hold some live rock.
I want to be able to lift it all out of the tank if one movement to clean under it. And it needs to be able to be in the tank permanitly with no adverse affects. This is for a filter tank holding extra liverock, so looks is not important. But it's strength needs to hold about 100 or so pounds of the rock.
Any filter bag.

If you want a sheet of plastic mesh you can scissor-cut and 'sew' into a box with fishing line, try plastic needlepoint canvas, at any Michael's, Hobby Lobby, or stitchery shop. Polystyrene and near indestructible.
What about the "gutter gaurd"? The mesh used to cover rain gutters. It could be sewn together as well. Just a thought.
