Reef Safe??


Active member
I was hoping to add a "Saddled Valentini Puffer" or a "SnowFlake Eel"; one or the other to my tank as my last fish, but wonder if they are reef safe? I have heard that people have done it before! I'm just a little concerned because I wouldnt want to lose my shrimps & and crabs.
My snowflake eel is great in my reef... Is he reef safe? Yes and NO.

Pros: Doesn't tocuh coral, does not mess with my hermits or snails, and is at most of the time a model citizen.

Cons: If he gets in an eating frenzy my corals go tumbling down(rare but it has happened). He has a taste for shrimps and crabs. I tried 2 emerald crabs and he got a $6 meal on me. Huge hit on the bioload.

Good luck,, and keep in mind this is my experience but each fish/eel has their own personality. I have read where others have had their snowflakes tear up shop and eat their fish and where others kept getting their corals knocked down constantly.

Choose wisely LUKE:strooper:

I have a Valentini and never seen it bothering corals. Although I feed him mysis, squid and clams, he never bothered my Crocea clam. The tank also contains emerald crabs, hermits, peppermint shrimp, coral banded shrimp. I've never seen it bother those either. Actually, I've never seen it bother anything.
what size tank are you considering for the valentini? I have wanted one for a long time but always heard that they may munch on certain corals.
Not sure about the puffer, but I can tell you about the snowflake. I had one in my 100 gallon and I never saw it, only during feeding every other day. It ate one of my small clown fish and ate a cleaner shrimp.

It never bothered my coral, meaning nothing ever fell over, but they sure are messy eaters, as Miamireefer said, your bioload will take a big hit.

I wound up catching it and returning it to the LFS where I bought it. They are super cool but they will eventually eat something that you don't want them to, they can't help it really. IMO.

Good luck.