Reef Secrets Display Tank.


New member
Hi folks this is my display tank . its basically my own tank but im not allowed one at home ... Im just as into the hobby as most of my customers.


ok the main Thing started on the 13th of September 2009, the Steel stand was deliverd. tank was Deliverd on the 15th of september ... OH NO the overflow was put on the wrong side ... so after a few days i calmed down and cut the overflow out and coverd the holes in the base and then re-drilled the wholes on the other side ...
the first drop of water went in on the 3 October 2009. Its going to be a mixed Reef tank . and mainly Anthias and some tangs .:wave:

Reefing Since:

System Objectives:
Lots Of Anthias ....and some tangs and a few Rare fish.

Type of reef:
Mixed reef tank .

Display System:

Initial Fill Date:
3rd October 2009

Display Tank Dimensions:
240cm(L) x 90cm(W) x60cm(H)

Display Lighting:
LED ( started with 4x 250w hetal halides )

Steel Frame 240cm L 900cm W and 900H

Hood or Rimless:
hood built with allo connect a kit

Sump Design:
150cm L x 75cm W x 50 H reefsecrets Racetrack sump .

Activated carbon , Bio pellets , Skimmers x 2.

Support systems:

NSW of corse ,

Display Water circulation:
2x 30 000LPH tunze, 1x 12000LPH tunze ,2x MP40Wes

Return Pump:
9000LPH teed of to run a carbon reactor , 2x bio pellet reactors , 1x Phosphate reactor .

2 skimmers one internal rated at 2500L tanks one external rated at 1600L tanks .

Evaporation Top Up:

Chemical additions:
Zeo Vit .

Calcium Addition:
Calcium Reactor & Calcium Chloride if needed.

Alkilinity Addition:
Calcium Reactor & bi carb added as needed

Magnesium Addition:
Calcium Reactor (dolimite added)
... also some mag added if needed..
Prodibiotics Addition:

Coral Food Addition: Marine Snow , cyclopEez ,phyton ,zooton, coral snow. rotifers .

ill add pics once i work out how to.. lol

here is a rough list of whats inside ...
Pair of yellow tangs
Naso vlamingi
Barred Rabbit fish
Bellus female angel
Conspic angel
Regal angel
Pair of black cap grammas
pair of blue assessors
pair of spendid mandarins
Dragon / banded goby
decora goby
Labouti wrasse
Mystery wrasse
cleaner wrasse
carpet blenny
pipe fish
plectoanthias imamus
orange eel blenny
Hula fish

then there are the anthias ....
tiger anthias

blue eye cardinals

lots of turbos
5 stroms
12 trochus

2 mantis shrimps
Are you sure about your measurements? That only comes out to about 148 US gallons, the size of a good sized sump. The tank looks bigger than that.

Dave, you missed something, the measurements calculate out to 327 gal. Great looking tank though! Welcome to RC!
That's good. I plugged them into a web calculator and must have done it wrong. I knew from the pictures that the tank looked much bigger than what the calculator said.

hey there Dave M hows the canadian scene in reefing ... i married a canadian girl so im sure ill be living in canada one day ..

thanks Nuccadoc i have been trolling the RC for a while now . figured it was time i put up a tank journal.

A bit of history .. ok so im a owner of a reef shop here is australia. well actually im more like a mad reefer whos hobby got out of control. and cause i live in a small unit /apartment my wife made me get all my tanks out of our house to make way for babies

the tank is in my front room of the shop , and its basically my own tank that im not allowed to have at home...

ill try upload a heap of pics later of the build and inhabitants ...

thanks for reading .
There's no better place to look for premier Canadian reefery than Peter's (nineball's) thread here on RC. Or you can check out the web page for his wee spot o water here.

There's no place I can think of in Canada that is remotely similar to Australia, so you'd have to let me know where you think you'd be going to for me to give you more info on conditions there. The only thing I would recommend if you're coming to Canada is to make sure you have a job lined up before coming, 'cause there ain't nothin' here waitin' fer ya.


Thanks guys .. ;)

i am pretty happy with my tank of late ... a few months back i was having hair algae issues . it came in a piece of coral . and just started going nuts . i mean every were .. i was starting to really get the shirts with it .:hammer: then i did a few things ... i raised my magnesium to 1600ppm . kept my dkh at 7-7.5 ( as im running bio pellets ) and kept my calcium at 440-450 . along with that i started dosing extra strontium,
I added 3 fish to help as well ...
1- Barred Rabbit fish Siganus Virgatus
2-Carpet blenny Crossosalarias Macrospilus
3-Kole Tang Ctenochaetus Strigosus

and a few extra trochus snails..

and also during the elevated magnesium levels my before slow growing sps . went nust and everthing has just started booming ..

the system has been fixed up over the past 3 weeks ..

I took the 2 skimmers I was running off and put on a Supermarin 250 .:love1:

and fixed up all the wires from lights and pumps etc etc . also put my profilux on that i bought for myself as a birthday present (back in august )... from my wife cause she was visiting her parents in Canada . Onterio ,Peterborough .;)

now i just need to download the GHL stuff onto my mac so i can do all the firmware updates ... :hmm5:
Thanks so much people for the kind words . :thumbsup:

ATM im using the cheap chinese leds from BSLED.. to be honest i hate the colour they produce , the bulbs are in a 2:1 (white to blue )
im currently looking at better options . and they have been on the tank for almost a year , i had 4 x 250w metal halides at the start then last december i changed the 2 on the right to 150w Led units then 6 months later when i was happy with the growth and the way the corals were going i changed the whole lot over . :twitch:

At the start i will admit a few corals may have got shocked even though i did run less hours and increase lighting period over 2 weeks . but i was supprised as i had a few monti just bleack out and were pretty much dead , then out of pure lazyness i did not remove them and now they have all pretty much recoverd 100% :eek1: and i found once the acro and monti settled they started to go nuts . my green stag acro has of late just gone mad and the growth is crazy , very happy with that .

ill get some macro pics over the next few days of fish and nice corals . so you guys can have some eye candy to look at .

thanks for reading ..
i got it about a year ago now . maybe a bit longer .. we i got the call a collector had caught it he said it was a small one that would fetch wicked dollars over in asia , so i said hell no im not missing out , i told the diver i would be at his house in a few hours to pick it up myself .. :crazy1:

3 hours later i walked into the facility and taken to a large tank ,,, i looked into it and looked and looked .. :eek2: there is was in top back corner no bigger than 1.5cm max , infact as long as 3 adult brine shrimp .. I was nervous , very very nervous .... so i paid the man and left , i swear every morning was a nerve wrecking event , as soon as i got to the tank i would search and search only when i got a glimse of it did i carry on my day , and every night i would check as well .. but with time i got less nervous :celeb3: i turned down all my pumps (tunze 6305 x2 6105 x1 mp40wes x1 ) i had all on pulse so if it got stuck it could swim away when it turned off ,,, thankfully now its almost boss of the tank :beer:

ill try post up a pic of him ... give me a few min .. :o