REEF SMAC 350g display/600g system... in 720p HD Video :)

YES! Great video Kraylen. I like all the angles.. the captions were mostly good, and I thought a few were distracting at first with the large text boxes on top of the images.. But then again, I'm a purist so take that with a grain of (preferably reef) salt. (maybe tank info could have been listed at the end on some still or blank slides?)

REEF SMAC- your tank looks exceptional. I especially like your powder blue and mandarin. That mandarin seems pretty bold, it must be beautiful to see in person. How often are you feeding your fishes? And do you have any tips on keeping multiple species of Anthias in the same tank? (Obviously total volume and coral structure are factors)
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Hey Kralen - Thank You for using your camera and computer skills (because I have neither) to finally get me posted up on the 831. I was just hoping for some FT shots to put on the 831 thread but you went over the top!:thumbsup:

REEF SMAC- your tank looks exceptional. I especially like your powder blue and mandarin. That mandarin seems pretty bold, it must be beautiful to see in person. How often are you feeding your fishes? And do you have any tips on keeping multiple species of Anthias in the same tank? (Obviously total volume and coral structure are factors)[/QUOTE]

I think volume and hiding places help alot. I also have an auto feeder that drops a mixture of flake/pellets/dry cyclops. A small amount 3X a day. It drops down a long funnel that ends in the water about 3 in. above an MP40. The powerhead "sprays" the food across the tank. I think it really helps cut out most of the aggresion- by getting fed often and spread out so they don't fight over it in one spot. I also feed various frozen foods once a day.