reef tank move, new tile install


New member
Hi guys,
I could you use some of your help for a situation I have.
My house will be soon retiled/renovated.
I have a 180g reef with a large wood stand.
-The tank needs to be moved to install the tile
-The renovation is going to take 3 months, I wont be close by, it will be dusty, there wont be AC, so I cant move the tank around in the house.

The only solution I came up with with is to hire a company (reef store?) to come pick up the tank, take care of the live stock for 3 months and move it back once everything is finished...

Major headache, but I am sure many of you went through similar situations.
Any guidance?
Can you recommend a local company (Miami) to do that?
Thank you !
I have a 60 that I moved to my in laws recently because I'm renovating my house. Get a lot of coolers and buckets. I took all 60+ gallons out put the livestock in coolers moved the tank and stand and then used all the same water when I relocated it. Everything is perfect. Good luck
I had my flooring redone just a few weeks ago as well but I didn't do the spare bedroom so I set my tank up in there.
A little different then your situation but that's what I did.

Do you have a garage? Set the tank up out there, buy a little ac unit temporarily and return it when done lol
I gotta do the same thing more or less. tear out old carpet my tank is sitting on and tile 2 living rooms, a hallway, dining room and a kitchen.

I'm planning on moving my tank to the spare bedroom while the tile gets done then having a new stand and sump ready for it to go on after everything is done.

With you not being close by for 3 months and no a/c your only real options to get through this are either pay someone to hold your livestock and store the hardware, or sell everything off and start over (upgrade?) after the dust has settled.
Hi guys and thanks for the replies.
I finally found someone after calling around and getting "no" as an answer.
Plan is to move live stock to an empty running tank at a reef maintenance company site.
My tank will be emptied and moved.
Live stock will be cared for and fed for the construction time.
Once home is done, tank will be setup and cycled then live stock moved back.
Thats not ideal, thats not cheap but there is no other solution.
Also, I know I might have some loses, but again no choice.
Thanks again everyone and good luck to all in same situation