CJ, pretty much all my snails survived. The ceriths are still dormant, but they always take a while to wake up... nasarius are all fine, nerites are good I think... not moving, but they opened up. the planaxis were quick to come around, and I don't think I lost more than one or two, so we'll see. the chitons perked up, hope they're good in the morning.
Billy, the frags opened right up, look great thank you!, So were the crabs packed in the pod water? The thing missing from my order was a small decorator crab, not limpets. I could have sworn I ordered them, but guess now *shrug*
anyways, john already processed my refund, and apologized profusely, so I'm satisfied (if still a bit disappointed). I'll be ordering the CuC for my 180 here soon, and hopefully he'll take extra special care of that order