We re-did my whole power set up! We used this guy
And it looks much nicer now.
Here's the shelves we built for next to the tank
They are usually hidden behind a screen
I also installed my new Santa Monica HOG1x ATS in the sump, so I'm hopeful that will be an excellent addition. I taped a hilarious DIY splash guard there that I'll need to come up with a better soluton for - the ATS spits a little and I didn't want it salting up the dry side
Here's my awesome battery operated pump to make topoff easier
I also realized I have a different skimmer than what I had posted (lol). When I got the new tank, I must have gotten it from the LFS - I'm so used to having online records of my purchases. It's a Reef Octopus Classic 150 INT - slightly oversized (as it should be). It's been doing such a great job with helping with my bloom!
I'm running my Chemi-pure blue and the Chaeto still looks very nice and full. Maybe eventually the ATS will cause it to die out, but while it breaks in, I think it's got to be what helped bring my nitrates down so drastically.
Corals are already showing really nice growth and polyp expansion which is so pleasing to see. All the fish are eating well and looking healthy and happy. Can't wait for my watchman goby to get a little bigger and yellow up - he's still that yellow-grey for now. My cleaner shrimp appears to have doubled in size!
I still want some kind of sand sifting crew, but I am not sure I have enough sand for a starfish - maybe some Nassarius snails? I think I've only got one crab in the tank, but my turbo snails are rocking it.
My aptasia is exploding and didn't seem to respond at all the Apstasia X, but I am on the list to borrow an aptasia munching file fish, so I hope that will help!
And it looks much nicer now.

Here's the shelves we built for next to the tank

They are usually hidden behind a screen

I also installed my new Santa Monica HOG1x ATS in the sump, so I'm hopeful that will be an excellent addition. I taped a hilarious DIY splash guard there that I'll need to come up with a better soluton for - the ATS spits a little and I didn't want it salting up the dry side

Here's my awesome battery operated pump to make topoff easier

I also realized I have a different skimmer than what I had posted (lol). When I got the new tank, I must have gotten it from the LFS - I'm so used to having online records of my purchases. It's a Reef Octopus Classic 150 INT - slightly oversized (as it should be). It's been doing such a great job with helping with my bloom!
I'm running my Chemi-pure blue and the Chaeto still looks very nice and full. Maybe eventually the ATS will cause it to die out, but while it breaks in, I think it's got to be what helped bring my nitrates down so drastically.
Corals are already showing really nice growth and polyp expansion which is so pleasing to see. All the fish are eating well and looking healthy and happy. Can't wait for my watchman goby to get a little bigger and yellow up - he's still that yellow-grey for now. My cleaner shrimp appears to have doubled in size!
I still want some kind of sand sifting crew, but I am not sure I have enough sand for a starfish - maybe some Nassarius snails? I think I've only got one crab in the tank, but my turbo snails are rocking it.
My aptasia is exploding and didn't seem to respond at all the Apstasia X, but I am on the list to borrow an aptasia munching file fish, so I hope that will help!