Reeflink problem


New member
I am having a problem I can see my lights but when I try to program schedual my reef link disconects with red green and red leds I can update schedual with usb.. and it does the same when trying to update my mp 40 ??
Got latest firmware update on everything tried resetting everything making new aquarium setup powered everything down for 30 sec and still nothin tried calling support but can't get through ...worked like 4 weeks ago but nothingnow all lights are blue but when I try to update my mp 40 it does this
The video is for a mp10 but mine does same thing and disconnects my reef link with yellow red and green lights my mp 40 goes it to night mode so the rf works it something with my reeflink

I would recommend following the steps below:

1. Power down the ReefLink for 30 seconds
2. Unplug all EcoTech Marine Radions and VorTechs for 30 seconds
3. Sign into EcoSmart Live using either Google Chrome or Safari as your web browser
4. Select the “Devices” tab at the top of the screen
5. Select “Refresh Devices”
6. After the device icons turn blue, you are now connected.
Done it like 5 times like I said in post reef link connects goes all blue but as soon as I try to update schedual or my mp40 it dissconects

I would recommend following the steps below:

1. Power down the ReefLink for 30 seconds
2. Unplug all EcoTech Marine Radions and VorTechs for 30 seconds
3. Sign into EcoSmart Live using either Google Chrome or Safari as your web browser
4. Select the "œDevices" tab at the top of the screen
5. Select "œRefresh Devices"
6. After the device icons turn blue, you are now connected.

Any reason we can't use Firefox browser? - Both of the one's you mention are on my avoid list.